A genuine American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Success stories

Alexander Raiman
Alexander Raiman
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2008
Chief Operating Officer, Keastone
Alex Raiman joined Keastone January 1st 2016 as COO, to build out international business operations for the team and support the next round…
Anton Kozych
Anton Kozych
MBA General Management (2009-2011)
Investment Committee Member at REIT-CZ
"Coming to Prague as a foreigner, I saw an MBA program at UNYP as an excellent opportunity for making local and international connections, and some of them grew into serious friendships."
Michaela Milkovičová
Michaela Milkovičová
Business Administration, Class of 2015
Global Foods Strategy, Innovation and Operations Manager, Unilever
"My classes were taught in small groups, my professors had a business background, and I had classmates from all over the world. I felt very humbled and honored to study at this prestigious university, so I tried to get the most out of the classes."
Matouš Hartman
Matouš Hartman
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2018
Co-Founder at Lipa Care
"My time at UNYP was great. What I liked was the emphasis on practical skills (communication, public speaking, teamwork), rather than textbook definitions – not what a typical university in this country teaches you!"
Petr Zima
Petr Zima
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2003
Head of MINI at BMW Group Czech Republic
"I really appreciated that University of New York in Prague provided a well-balanced mix of scholars and top professionals in its faculty,"

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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