
UNYP attains new American Accreditation

Everyone appreciates recognition of a job well done. The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) is a recent recipient of substantial recognition for two of its business programs, and it is definitely something noteworthy for both those directly involved, and the university as a whole.  UNYP has been offering quality business education in English […]

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Advancing English Language Skills throughout the Summer

The importance of using the summer months to read extensively in English cannot be emphasized enough, especially for students who study in English at universities such as UNYP where the local language is so different. After spending one semester at university, most students soon recognize that the more they read and write in English, the […]

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UNYP professor Juwana Jenkins appeared as the main guest on CT live morning show Dobre Rano (Good Morning)

UNYP professor and alumnae of the LaSalle Master’s in Professional and Business Communication program, Juwana Jenkins, appeared as the main guest on CeskaTelevize’s live morning show Dobre Rano (Good Morning). Speaking about her work in communications and life as an American blues singer in the Czech Republic,Professor Jenkins chatted in Czech with the in-studio moderators, […]

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UNYP wishes to repeat that all programs are functioning normally, and that UNYP has not been affected by the recent floods. This includes classes, exams and also Graduation 2013. Entire program will run as originally scheduled at Žofín Palace on Friday, June 28. If any UNYP activity is in any way influenced or changed by […]

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UNYP students visited the economics laboratory at the Prague School of Economics (VŠE)

On Tuesday 4 June students in the ESC summer intensive course on Behavioural Economics visited the economics laboratory at the Prague School of Economics (Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka). The laboratory was built in order to facilitate the use of experiments in economic research. The students were introduced to a game in which they played the roles […]

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Current Information about the flood situation in Prague

Even though the current flooding does not affect our school and UNYP is operating as normal, and we are aware of no student emergencies, please take note of the following information regarding current and future flood situation in Prague: Flood update can be found at This source provides information in English. Additionally, the Prague City […]

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Tech leaders from Prague and Silicon Valley join UNYP’s e-Commerce class Final Project Presentations

This semester Professor of e-Commerce, Jeff Medeiros brought in a few real-world e-Commerce and Technology leaders to watch and give feedback to this semesters’ student projects for the e-Commerce and Marketing Technologies course.   At the beginning of the semester, the students in the class form teams and come up with business ideas leveraging the Internet and related marketing concepts covered during the […]

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Can You Really Build Your Own Business?

President of the United States Barack Obama suffered a verbal misstep in 2012, when speaking to a group in Roanoke, Virginia.  The clip can be found here: Specifically, the words that he used, that were focused on as insulting to entrepreneurs, were: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that […]

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Voodoo (Macro)Economics

Viewing the state of economic policy in the developed world these days, one is reminded of the old joke about the gentleman drunk  stumbling around under the lamppost looking for his lost keys. A policeman comes to help and after some time asks the gentleman if he is sure he lost his keys here. “No”, […]

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Contextualizing Cultural Diversity at the United Nations of UNYP

To those familiar with the make-up of classes at UNYP, the idea of teaching courses in intercultural or cross-cultural communication could seem to be a curious activity, since every single class is made up of students from quite often a surprisingly broad range of ethnic origins, and the interaction among students and faculty of a […]

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