Jan Kovář

Jan Kovář
Guarantor of the study program
Associate Professor (Docent), Masaryk University, Czech Republic; Ph.D. Metropolitan University, Czech Republic; M.A. Metropolitan University, Czech Republic; B.A. Metropolitan University, Czech Republic

Jan Kovář earned his PhD in International Relations and European Studies from a joint programme of Institute of International Relations and metropolitan University Prague. He has been teaching courses on European integration and EU politics and policies at Metropolitan University Prague since 2010. Currently, he is research director at the Institute of International Relations Prague where he conducts research on various aspects of European integration. His main research interests revolve around the study of EU politics and policies, party politics, media and communication studies, and migration in Europe. His work has been published in journals such as the International Communication Gazette, East European Politics and Societies, Europe-Asia Studies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Journal of International Relations and Development, Problems of Post-Communism, East European Politics and others. He also serves as the deputy editor-in-chief of Czech Journal of International Relations.

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