A genuine American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Příběhy úspěšných

Lenka White
Lenka White
Bachelor in International Economic Relations, class of 2016
United Nations Correspondent
"The university also offered robust international connections which were beneficial to my personal and professional growth later. For instance, I participated in the CFA Challenge competition, which was an exhilarating experience. This also added an impressive accomplishment to my CV, contributing to my preparation for further studies and career opportunities."
Marina Strekha
Marina Strekha
Communication & Mass Media, class of 2017
Business owner, MÁDO Concept Boutique
"I had heard a lot of positive feedback about UNYP and its instructors who are professionals with great experience, which I can confirm now. The classes were useful and engaging with interesting projects, which I really enjoyed!"
Adam Grof
Adam Grof
Bakalář Komunikace a masová média, ročník 2014 a Magistr Profesní a obchodní komunikace, ročník 2015
Globální HR servisní poradce pro Microsoft
“Díky University of New York in Prague jsem byl schopný vytvořit si vlastní korporátní identitu, zůstat motivovaný a dělat tu…
Steven Trottier
Steven Trottier
M.Sc. in International Management, class of 2018
Business Instructor, Bow Valley College
"During my studies at UNYP, I had a chance to meet and befriend people from all over the world. Even in our relatively small class, we had representatives from almost every continent!"
Martin Pavlíček
Martin Pavlíček
MBA v oboru Marketing, ročník 2012
Senior PR Director, Havas Worldwide Prague
”Jednou z největších deviz studia na University of New York v Praze je navázání kontaktů a „vzájemně prospěšných vztahů“. A to…

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261

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