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An American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Meet Our Alumni

Olga Mantilla
Olga Mantilla
Master in International Management, class of 2018
Deputy Manager, NH Hotel Group
"I was also looking for a university where I could make good connections for the future – the network you create is one of the most important things you gain from doing a Master’s degree. I found the double degree that UNYP offers with Bolton University to be very beneficial. It was good to have academic input from the UK, combined with everything UNYP could offer – a great mix of two universities."
Dominika Janigova
Dominika Janigova
Master of Professional Communication and Public Relations, Class 2010
Bachelor of Communication and Mass Media
PR and Booking agent of Ondrej Pivec
"The study process turned out exactly how I had hoped: open discussions, group projects, challenging tasks, all in English, friendly professors and an overall positive, creative vibe."
Pavel Podruh
Pavel Podruh
Bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and International Relations, class of 2009
Founder and CEO of Czech Sustainable Houses & iBatt Ltd.
"I finished High School in the US and wanted to continue with the ethos. At that time, I also started to tour with my band here in the Czech Republic intensively. So, UNYP was the win-win scenario for me. I am glad I made this choice."
Petr Zima
Petr Zima
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2003
Head of MINI at BMW Group Czech Republic
"I really appreciated that University of New York in Prague provided a well-balanced mix of scholars and top professionals in its faculty,"
Adam Grof
Adam Grof
Bakalář Komunikace a masová média, ročník 2014 a Magistr Profesní a obchodní komunikace, ročník 2015
Globální HR servisní poradce pro Microsoft
“Díky University of New York in Prague jsem byl schopný vytvořit si vlastní korporátní identitu, zůstat motivovaný a dělat tu…

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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