UNYP’s first semester with Perlego

Once again, we find ourselves wrapping up the Fall semester here at UNYP. Although 2020 has been a challenging year, it has pushed us to become more open to innovations and technologies that facilitate the education process and help students persist with their studies. One of these was our Perlego subscription, which significantly helped UNYP […]

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From the Desk of Dr. Nesbitt: Open letter to the UNYP students

Dear Students, By the time you read this, you will have finished a unique and unexpected journey. For some the first phase, for others the second. Studying online was a journey no one asked for, not you, nor your instructors, nor the school administration. However you choose to reflect on it, whether you disliked it, […]

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Why Sweden’s Covid policy is a good fit for Sweden – and nowhere else

When members of the public started to resist and protest coronavirus measures, especially in countries that had not been hit hard by the first wave in the pandemic, observers looked to Sweden, despite the country’s high death toll. Sweden had pursued a low-intervention policy, relying more on soft recommendations and requests than hard restrictions. The […]

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The UNYP survival guide to Prague weather

If you’re an international student who plans to relocate to the Czech Republic to study at the University of New York in Prague, you may be having a hard time adjusting to the local weather – especially if you come from warmer climes. Prague can be a tricky city to wrap your head around, and Czech weather […]

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UNYP hosts webinar with Ondřej Staněk: Presentations in the Virtual Environment

On November 25, the University of New York in Prague welcomed Ondřej Staněk as a guest presenter, with a webinar focused on a very topical subject: Presentations in the Virtual Environment. Ondřej Staněk works as a consultant for speakers who are preparing for international and domestic conferences, helping multinational companies and individuals to present their products and services […]

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How to study abroad in Prague in 2021

If you were planning to start your degree abroad this fall, there’s a fair chance that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed your plans. Or maybe you’re thinking about higher education opportunities for the coming year, and you’re unsure whether it’s still a reasonable idea to study in Prague or not. We are getting many questions from young […]

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6 things you can do to help recover from the trauma of the coronavirus

Some months ago, we shared some tips on dealing with the tribulations of the ongoing coronavirus phenomenon. At that time we were in the midst of not only the potential dangers of the pandemic itself, but also the stresses of multiple uncertainties – not only the possible sequelae of the disease itself, but also myriad […]

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UNYP v Praze otevře tři nové americké studijní programy

University of New York in Prague příští rok v podzimním semestru 2021 otevře tři nové studijní programy – Vývoj dítěte (katedra Psychologie), Politologie (katedra Mezinárodních vztahů) a Umění digitálních médií (katedra Komunikace a médií).  UNYP každoročně přidává nové programy a počet studentů nepřestává růst UNYPu splnil všechny náležitosti k tomu, aby mohly být otevřeny další tři bakalářské programy ve spolupráci se State University […]

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How social media changes our perception of reality

Lona Moutafidou teaches the courses “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” and “Trauma Narratives” at UNYP. Lacan’s mirror stage theory, briefly discussed in this article, forms part of the theoretical components of the “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” syllabus. How does an ancient philosophical allegory intersect with a psychoanalytic concept from the 1960s? How could this inform social media usage? […]

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How your online persona can help you to secure a job after graduating from UNYP

These days, all hiring managers look at the social profiles of candidates before making hiring decisions – but they aren’t just looking for obvious cases of bad behavior! In addition, they want to make sure that what they find online reflects well on the candidate as a potential employee. You need to stand out on […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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