A short commentary on the U.S. presidential election

However interesting the 2016 U.S. presidential election was, this year’s match between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has already, to coin a phrase, trumped it. In this short commentary, I will highlight two things that have, in my opinion, been discussed less than they would deserve, at least on this side of the Atlantic. Firstly, […]

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“Junior Achievement catches up on what schools have neglected.”

The University of New York in Prague has long been committed to educating young people to compete in the global economy. For this reason, we are proud to be affiliated with Junior Achievement in the Czech Republic, one of the largest Czech organizations that helps train young people for fiscal responsibility and entrepreneurship. As UNYP enters […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Ongoing Moment by Geoff Dyer

As we finish the month of December and reflect upon the events of this challenging year, we thought this book would be an excellent pick for our Perlego Book of the Month feature; not only for its quiet meditative tone and philosophical nature but also because some of the photographs discussed by Geoff Dyer were taken during the Great Depression and the Second World War, in times […]

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Participate in UNYP’s Winter Instagram competition!

Win an iPad Air UNYP’s Instagram competition! It’s time to get creative! Let’s spread some joy and winter holiday spirit among the UNYP community! Participate in our Instagram competition for a chance to win an iPad Air (2019). This Competition is open to everyone! For every entry, UNYP will donate 100Kč to Dětský domov Dolní Počernice.   […]

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Professor Spotlight: we talk to Jakub Lepš

For this month’s Professor Spotlight feature, we talked to Mr. Jakub Lepš. Mr. Lepš is a true polymath: a politician, editorial director and manager (internet news, media monitoring), an experienced analyst (U.S. politics, U.S. foreign policy, U.S.-Chinese relations, modern China), and a UNYP lecturer. Mr. Lepš kindly agreed to give us some time from his busy schedule to talk about his career, his views on democracy in the Czech Republic, […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe

October was the month of terrifying Halloween pranks and spooky stories – and scariest of all, the dreaded midterms! With this theme in mind, we chose a book by the “father of horror” himself for our Perlego book of the month – The Terrifying Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. This volume includes many of the scary stories that you might have been too stubborn to read in high school English, including The Tell-Tale […]

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Online discussion with Mr. Griffin Rozell (Information Officer and Press Attaché at the American Embassy in ČR)

Last month, a couple of UNYP students had the opportunity to participate in a debate with American diplomat Mr. Griffin Rozell. The online discussion was organized in cooperation with the American Center in Prague and was the second one to be held in 2020.  Mr. Rozell became the Information Officer and Press Attaché at the […]

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Jak vybudovat osobní značku: UNYP webinář s Tomášem Lukavcem

V říjnu jsme měli skvělou možnost uspořádat webinář s Tomášem Lukavcem, spisovatelem, vzdělavatelem a obchodníkem, který vybudoval úspěšnou kariéru především v oblasti brand managementu, kdy pomáhal klientům zvyšovat prodeje vytvářením strategií jejich značek. Tomáš školí a pořádá workshopy pro manažery společností, jako jsou Seznam.cz, Komerční banka, OVB, Marks&Spencer, RE/MAX, T-Mobile a do toho všeho učí na několika univerzitách. Tomáš […]

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A UNYP guide to enjoying Halloween in quarantine

In previous years, UNYP always organized Halloween celebrations: the Student Council threw a great party, and the Psychology Club held a movie night which was open to everyone, with pizza, drinks, and fun games and entertainment. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone Halloween activities this year – we know you will understand that due to the current global situation with the pandemic, we need to keep everyone […]

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Participatory art projects turn viewers into co-creators

I would like to introduce my readers to art projects that involve the audience in one way or another. Such participatory projects have been gaining more and more ground; we live in times of great social, humanitarian, political, and environmental challenges, and artists have an important role to play in bringing these challenges to the […]

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