Collecting donations for the children from Domov Dolní Počernice

It became UNYP’s tradition to collect donations from our faculty, students, and staff for the less fortunate children from Domov Dolní Počernice. We’ve prepared a box in the UNYP Library, ready to be filled with toys and necessities. Here is a list of items that would be greatly appreciated: boys and girls T-shirts  boys and girls sweatshirts/hoodies popular […]

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Možnosti kariéry s diplomem z Business Administration se zaměřením na lidské zdroje

Vybudování zajímavého a smysluplného pracovního prostředí je složitý proces. Význam kvalifikovaného oddělení lidských zdrojů proto není možné, zejména ve větších společnostech, podceňovat. Toto oddělení je zodpovědné za nábor, motivaci a udržení nejtalentovanějších odborníků. Mezi jeho další úkoly patří také posuzování výkonnosti zaměstnanců a zajištění, aby každý zaměstnanec využil v plné míře svůj potenciál. Na vybudování kariéry […]

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UNYP students visit the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

On Friday, November 1st, a group of the University of New York in Prague students visited the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. This field trip was organized by the Dean of School of International Relations, professor Oscar Hidalgo.  „As an educator, I find field trips an essential part of the university experience. Studying International Relations […]

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5 of the best: Prague coffee shops where you can get some work done

The midterms are finally behind us, and perhaps you need a change of scenery and some good coffee to keep you motivated through the rest of the semester. UNYP’s new library is convenient, well-stocked and quiet, but some people find that a little background buzz helps us focus.  Luckily, Prague has a great café culture, and some […]

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UNYP welcomes to campus the Czech Turkic Business Forum

The University of New York in Prague is dedicated to promoting economic and cultural exchanges between nations. Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of hosting the first Czech Turkic Business Forum, organized by KITAP (Tatar and Turkic Association in Prague). UNYP opened its campus doors to representatives of both the Chambers of Commerce and the embassies of the Turkic states […]

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A student guide to celebrating Halloween in Prague

Halloween is coming up again, and whether you are enrolled in UNYP’s Master’s or Bachelor’s program, we will help you find a way to celebrate it in Prague the way that suits you best. October 31 falls on a Thursday this year, but you don’t have to stay out all night and then shuffle to your Friday lectures like […]

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Becoming a Leader of Tomorrow

I am a graduate of the UNYP class of 2019. I have earned my Master’s in Psychology, and am now supporting UNYP students as an undergraduate academic advisor and graduate coordinator for the School of Psychology. I spoke as a graduate student representative at the 2019 graduating ceremony, reflecting on the UNYP motto, “Educating tomorrow’s leaders.” […]

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Drs. Audeliz Matias and Sheila Marie Aird Begin Collecting Oral Histories of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

Over the summer, Drs. Audeliz (Audi) Matias (Associate Professor and Mentor, Department of Natural Sciences) and Sheila Marie Aird (Associate Professor and Director of European Academic Programs), began the first phase of their oral history project in Puerto Rico, which is funded by the 2018 Oral History Association Emerging Crisis Oral History Research Grant. The […]

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Should you change your university – and if so, when and where?

Your university years are when you first start to grasp your own independence and identify your values and beliefs – and it is not unusual for students to experience dissatisfaction in the middle of the freshman year, with the dawning realization that they have chosen the wrong institution. Many students end up switching institutions at […]

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UNYP rozšiřuje nabídku MBA programů díky novému slovinskému partnerství

University of New York in Prague uzavřela během září spolupráci s GEA College (Lublaň, Slovinsko) v rámci spuštění nového MBA programu. Obě vysoké školy mají společný cíl, kterým je odborná příprava budoucích lídrů světa podnikání, proto se nový MBA program zaměřuje zejména na rozvoj praktických vědomostí. Větší část studia bude probíhat v Lublani, část přednášek se bude konat v Praze. […]

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