Jak si správně vybrat studijní obor

Ačkoli již pravděpodobně víte, že po ukončení střední školy chcete pokračovat ve vzdělání, čeká na vás ještě jedno důležité rozhodnutí, kterým je výběr toho správného studijního oboru. Jelikož máte v Praze spoustu možností, může být těžké zúžit výběr a najít obor, který budete chtít studovat. Pro některé studenty je tato volba jednoduchá – můžou chtít […]

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The Czech Republic – the 10th safest country in the world!

You may not have thought about this before, but your personal safety should be one of the top factors to consider when looking for your Study Abroad destination. The knowledge that you are studying in a safe destination will help persuade your parents to get on board with this idea, and this sense of security will also […]

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UNYP Graduation Ceremony 2019

The University of New York in Prague has held its 18th Annual Graduation Ceremony at the magnificent Palác Žofín, located at Slovanský Ostrov. Academic representatives of UNYP and its partner universities awarded Bachelor’s, Master’s, and MBA degrees to the graduates. During the graduation ceremony, diplomas were awarded to 173 students from 36 countries, from both UNYP and […]

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What to pack for your semester in Prague?

It’s finally happening. You’re getting ready for a semester abroad in the best university in Prague! Your parents are on board with this excellent plan. You’ve researched everything you might need to know about this beautiful European city, pre-planned your budget, even figured out where you want to travel for your first long weekend. All you have to do […]

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5 Prague music venues you need to know

Living in Prague and attending a multicultural university is an invaluable experience, whether you study Communication and Media, Business Administration or IT management. Your education plays a significant role in your future career, but so does your social and cultural experience as a student. By connecting with your UNYP peers, you can establish life-long friendships and potentially find future business […]

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Seventh International Student Research Conference

Seven years ago, the Psychology Department of the University of New York in Prague held its first student research conference, entitled: “International Student Research Symposium: Building a Global Community in Psychological Science for the 21st Century.” The event drew participants from various European universities, and almost immediately became an annual event. Over the years, the conference has […]

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The 5 best exhibitions in Prague this summer

Naturally, we’ve been dreaming of spending the summer hanging out with UNYP friends at Naplavka, meditating in beautiful parks and public gardens, and gliding down the clear Vltava on a swan-shaped paddle boat. In reality, we all know that sometimes it’s far too hot for outdoor activities, and it’s good to have a few plans […]

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UNYP oznamuje opětovnou CAMBAS reakreditaci

Po přísném procesu, který trval téměř rok, University of New York in Prague s hrdostí oznamuje obnovení svého akreditačního statusu u České asociace škol MBA (CAMBAS). CAMBAS je organizace, která akredituje MBA programy v České republice na základě přísných kritérií kvality, které uspokojí pouze ty nejprestižnější programy. UNYP MBA program patří mezi tyto špičkové MBA programy a může se […]

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He thinks, she thinks; she thinks, he thinks

Ever get the feeling that you are being misjudged as a student? That the cards are stacked against you? That you are being falsely accused of inappropriate behavior? Taking the other side’s perspective into consideration is one key to success. We asked some communication and media faculty about typical differences of perspective on sticky issues between professors […]

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Two-way communication yields better results in studies

When making the transition from high school to university education, students are often hyper-aware that they are studying towards a major which could have a huge impact on their future . Combining this awareness with the fact that you may be studying with professors who are already successful in your chosen field, and with a student-educator […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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