5 důvodů, proč se vyplatí jít na soukromou školu

Už není pochyb o tom, že vysokoškolské vzdělání se v rozvinutých zemích stalo téměř nutností při ucházení se o dobrou pracovní pozici. Probíhají ale diskuze o tom, který typ univerzity je lepší: soukromá nebo státní. Různé instituce nabízejí odlišné zkušenosti a při široké nabídce škol a titulů dostupných v České republice je těžké rozhodnout se, […]

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UNYP expands semester abroad options by joining Erasmus+

What do you imagine first when you hear the word “Erasmus”? Traveling all over Europe? Exploring new places? Meeting new people? Learning and studying in a new language? All this is now available to UNYP students – and financially supported by the European Union. The University of New York in Prague, for the first time […]

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Is stress all bad? Managing stress in university.

Stress and anxiety symptoms are common among university students all over the world, and impact on quality of life and academic performance. There’s just so much going on, the pressure to fit in, the pressure to achieve high academic results, the weight of social media and the digital age overall. Additionally, for lots of students, […]

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5 Awesome Exhibitions To See In Prague This November

Every fall Prague welcomes a new flourish of creative activity. The November evenings are longer and the days are chillier, but that’s no reason to hole up at home. Here’s our pick of the five must-see art exhibitions taking place in Prague this month. Expect to be enlightened and inspired! We’ve rounded up all the […]

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UNYP přijel na brněnský veletrh Gaudeamus metrem

Chtěli jste někdy navštívit New York, ale fyzicky zůstat v České republice? University of New York in Prague (UNYP) přivezla do Brna vagón newyorského metra, červené schody z Time Square a tým učitelů, absolventů a studentů, kteří návštěvníkům představili, proč může být vzdělávání na soukromé škole kvalitnější než na škole státní. Podle průzkumu portálu vysokeskoly.cz, provedeného pro […]

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The obstacles of translation

As a professional writer, I work with language and words all day. First, when I write outlines and notes, then writing the first draft, and finally, when I proofread and edit. I work mostly in the Czech language, but I have also written many articles and papers in English. I am an active English speaker […]

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Move or be moved: Insight to Ezra Pound

Communication and Media scholar Jakub Guziur’s latest book is entitled, ‘Ezra Pound in Contemporary (Post) Culture: Images of the Modernist in Artistic Media’. The book consists of a set of essays related to deconstructing images of Pound in the media from the 1950s to the present day. Dr. Nesbitt, Dean of the School of Communication and […]

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Want to think more critically? Can art help?

In his famous essay „Critical thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts“, Dr. Peter Facione defines critical thinking as: „Purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based.“  Supporting the critical thinking skills of […]

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10 Tips for making a Vlog like a Pro

It isn’t all lectures and midterms here at the University of New York in Prague!  You will meet students like you – students who want to continue a shared passion or discover a new one. UNYP Student Clubs are some of the most interesting, rewarding, and fun micro-communities you’ll ever be part of.    Today we want […]

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Why play floorball?

Floorball is the biggest indoor sport in the Czech Republic and is becoming more popular all over the world. While the game is similar to ice hockey, floorball players do not require protective gear – the sport has rules limiting contact, and is relatively safe. Floorball is exciting to play and watch, because of the […]

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