When the first impression is also the last impression

Again, something to think about when we meet new people. What are our aims? What do we want to get from the meeting? And most important: What first impression do we want to leave? How long does it take for people to make a first impression? Some people think that they have weeks or even years […]

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Your cultural education: UNESCO sites of the Czech Republic

No matter if you’re studying psychology, international relations or business, your college experience will be inextricably linked to your location. Being a student in Prague is an incredible experience – not everyone can say that their university is located in a building that was built in the early 20th century (or even earlier)! However, in the […]

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Meet your Student Council and check out their new website!

Student council is here to bring more fun to your student life. With plenty of events, trips and other special activities they will try to make your studies easier and you will get a chance to discover new things. Our student council connects students with university administration and academics to provide a great study-life balance for our […]

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Studium s lidmi ze zahraničí

Jaké jsou výhody toho, když budete studovat na univerzitě s lidmi z různých koutů světa? Je jich hned několik, a proto jsme ty nejdůležitější z nich pro vás vyjmenovali. Jednotlivci, kteří jsou kulturně uvědomělí První a asi nejdůležitější je kulturní povědomí. Bývá jednoduché ocitnout se uvězněný v rutině své vlastní kultury plné myšlenek a zvyků, se kterými jste […]

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Must-have apps for Prague

Apps have become as much a part of our lives as reading the newspaper (you probably have an app for your favourite one) or making a cup of coffee in the morning for a busy day of lectures. Heralding a new era of connectivity, there are now apps for absolutely everything- reading, eating, exercising, even […]

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Prague Off the Beaten Path

Regardless of the degree you’re studying for, you are likely to be in Prague for quite some time.  Prague, undoubtedly one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, offers ample attractions, ranging from the architectural to the theatric. You’ve seen Prague castle, the Astronomical Clock Tower, and taken a leisurely stroll through the Petřín gardens. You may […]

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Mimoškolní aktivity kritické k balancování studia a osobního života

Cesta k úspěchu je plná hodin těžké práce, knih, akcí určenými k navazování kontaktů, výzkumů a hektolitrů kávy. Proto je důležité vytvořit si rovnováhu mezi studiem a osobním životem. Skvěle vám s tím pomůžou mimoškolní aktivity, která vám do života přinesou trochu zábavy. Takže jak na to? Nejprve se posaďte, vezměte si k ruce papír a tužku nebo notebook a […]

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Vyhrajte lístky na koncert Justina Biebera

University of New York in Prague rozdá dvě volné vstupenky na koncert Justina Biebera.  Vážíme si studentů, kteří tvrdě pracují, aby se dostali na prestižní obory vysokých škol či dokončili svá univerzitní studia, a zvláště tehdy, když se jedná o naše vlastní studenty! Věříme, že je potřeba umět si jednou za čas najít volnou chvíli […]

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Five Best Ways to Come Back from Holiday

Unless you have spent the past two months knee-deep in scientific studies and literature you brain is probably still in vacation mode. With just one week of holidays left, we have put together a short list of five best ways to make the transition to student’s life easier. 1. Get enough sleep Although you have probably heard this […]

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Meet Your Student Council President

It demands a lot of extra work, strong personal skills and mainly: having a vision and not being affraid to push it forward. But at the same time it rewards you with tons of experience, networking opportunities and it helps you develop your soft skills. We interviewed Matouš Hartman, the current UNYP Student Council President […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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