New York College Graduation Ceremony

New York College (NYC) organized its annual Graduation Ceremony at the National Gymnastics Association in Athens. Academic representatives of partner universities awarded Graduates Bachelor’s, Master, and PhD degrees, having carried out their studies entirely in Greece. These representatives included Dr. Alfred Ntoko Provost of Academic Affairs of the State University of New York-Empire State College, […]

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CNN Greece Interview of UNYP President, Ilias Foutsis

On July 3rd, Ilias Foutsis, Founder & President of New York College Educational Group gave an interview to the CNN Greece on the value of studying private university and more specifically at New York College in Athens. Mr. Foutsis stressed the benefit of multiculturalism that New York College Educational Group delivers to its students, due […]

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HEC Montreal Visits UNYP!

On June 30th, to kick off the summer break we received some very special visitors from Canada to the UNYP campus.  HEC Montréal, a business school with a leading reputation in teaching and research, stopped by with 25 of their students.  The purpose was to sit for a guest lecture from the CEO of RS Dynamics […]

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Cure your FOMO – Rio Olympics are coming to Czech Republic

The Rio Olympics are starting in just over a week and you’re having a pretty serious case of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).  But we come bearing good news to those who chose to study abroad at the University of New York in Prague this summer! Because if you can’t go to Rio, Rio will come to […]

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Prague is the new capital for digital nomads

Have you ever thought of earning money while traveling or studying abroad? Recently, Prague has been rated world’s second best city for digital nomads (people who use telecommunication technologies to earn a living while traveling). If your mind ever wandered in the direction of entrepreneurship, studying abroad and working with technologies, think of how amazing it […]

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Soukromá, nebo státní: Která univerzita vás víc pomůže k úspěchu?

Když dojde na rozhodování mezi státní a soukromou univerzitou, existují velmi protichůdné názory a často se na toto téma rozjedou zapálené debaty. Ve skutečnosti bychom se ale měli sami sebe zeptat, proč se to vůbec řeší. Soukromé školy jsou mnohem lepší volbou, ale často jsme zaslepení faktem, že je státní vzdělání vnímáno jako tradiční a […]

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Texas Tech University at Prague Fringe Festival

UNYP has had a really strong connection with Texas Tech University for a very long time. TTU students are coming to Prague regularly every summer and this year wasn’t an exception. We hosted two summer programs organized by two different TTU departments – Rawls College of Business and School of Theatre & Dance. And the […]

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5 reasons why you should not become a language teacher

Most of us (and if you’re reading this, it’s very likely to be your case) have been growing up alongside teachers since before we can remember. And precisely, who remembers their first teacher? Or even half of the rest of the ones we’ve had throughout our lives? With so little gratitude to the profession, why […]

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5 důvodů, proč si vybrat UNYP místo státní univerzity

Vybrat si tu správnou univerzitu můžete být občas dost obtížné – někdy i nejdůležitější rozhodnutí ve vašem životě. Víme, že investice do univerzity je investice do vaší budoucnosti. Proto je naší prioritou vytvořit to nejlepší prostředí pro studenty. Tady je 5 důvodů, proč byste měli studovat na UNYP. 1) Získáte dva tituly Proč se spokojit […]

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Prague, the 6th safest city in the world!

According to the Global Peace Index (GPI) Czech Republic has become the 6th safest country from all over the world (out of the 163 monitored nations). Prague has also been ranked high on the list of 100 safest cities in the world according to the study created by Numbeo. Are you considering signing up for our […]

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