Baylor University returns to UNYP

Baylor University, the oldest continuously operating university in Texas, has been coming to Prague every summer for more than nine years and the University of New York in Prague has been a happy host to them during the last three. The group of 35 students together with four faculty members came to Prague this year to […]

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Students won investment competition

This summer ESC and UNYP partnered to offer for the first time an Entrepreneurship class focused on the practical application of the current best practices in starting a start-up. Prof. Jeff Medeiros led the program leveraging Eric Ries‘ Lean Start-Up strategy and the associated Lean Canvas model, and leveraging his 30 years of experience and […]

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UNYP hosts Colorado State University Summer Program in Criminology

Our partnership with Colorado State University (CSU) is getting stronger every year. This year, for the second time, we hosted a group of summer program students coming to Prague to study criminology and criminal justice.  A group of 16 American students led by Dr. Michael Hogan traveled to Prague to take part in the summer program offered […]

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TOP 5 Prague events of this summer

The summer holidays are a period when you – as a student studying abroad in Prague – have a great opportunity to sample more of the specific local culture. Check out the five top events of this summer you should by no means miss whilst in the Heart of Europe! 1. Exhibition of Charles IV […]

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International Student Research Conference 2016

Humberto Aguilera, Ph.D. Psychology Department The University of New York in Prague (UNYP), in cooperation with Empire State College, New York, has been organizing an annual international meeting on student research since 2013. The event offers students a unique opportunity to present their own original research projects, gain invaluable experience and network with peers and […]

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Terror vs. Terror: The Global War on Terrorism… 15 Years and Counting

On September 11, 2001, nineteen men hijacked four passenger jets and carried out attacks that killed almost 3,000 people in the United States, demonstrating the vulnerability of powerful nations to massive attacks by small groups of violent extremists. This shocking example of “asymmetric warfare” between powerful nations and sub-national adversaries was an appropriate wake-up call […]

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3 Oases of Peace Around Prague

You just so happen to study abroad in Prague and during the summer holidays you find yourself with time to explore the exquisite surroundings of the Czech capital. So where should your feet lead you? How about swapping the rush of the city for some unique natural wonders! You can trust our recommendations – the […]

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Congratulations Class of 2016 on your Next Step

We are proud to announce that the Commencement Ceremony of 2016 will be held at the glorious Palác Žofín on Friday 24 June 2016.  Dear class of 2016, More than 150 of you, our most diligent graduates, will soon join the ranks of our successful Alumni. Graduation from a university is a major milestone and proof […]

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Address from the UNYP President to the Graduating Class of 2016

Another year has passed and the class of 2016 is ready to set sail on a long and great journey. The 15th UNYP Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Palác Žofín this Friday already. On behalf of our faculty members, I would like to congratulate our graduating students on the completion of their educational paths.  […]

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University of New York in Prague je Superbrandem roku 2016

University of New York in Prague získala prestižní celosvětové ocenění Business Superbrands 2016. Tento titul udělují odborníci za mimořádné výsledky značky na poli obchodu. O vítězi rozhodují takové faktory jako známost značky, inovace, prestiž, obchodní výsledky, ale i kvalita brandu jako takového. UNYP již od roku 1998 zprostředkovává špičkové vysokoškolské vzdělání v anglickém jazyce. Univerzita […]

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