There’s no place like Belgicka Apartments

From April 2016 the University of New York in Prague is offering students brand new accommodation in the luxurious student residence Belgicka Apartments. Due to its unique location, UNYP is now the first private university in Prague with student accommodation in the city center. Why wouldn’t you be interested?  From April 2016 the University of New York in Prague is […]

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Fair visit to a new iPhone

Have you visited the UNYP booth at previous fairs? Listen up, it may be you who has won a great electronic buddy to keep you company during your studies: a brand new iPhone 6! How so? From November to January the University of New York in Prague had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of great […]

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Hýbejte se! 5 způsobů, jak si na UNYP vytvořit zdravý životní styl

Není neobvyklé, že se noví studenti při nástupu na univerzitu vzdají svých dosavadních sportovních aktivit. Kvůli hodinám, které občas trvají do večera a kvůli dojíždění do školy jsou pro ně sportovní kluby, do kterých dříve docházeli, nedostupné. To je ale škoda, že? Naštěstí UNYP nepodporuje lenivost a soustředí se na zdravé tělo i ducha. Poslední […]

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UNYP joins the 2016 KPMG International Case Competition

This year the University of New York in Prague was well represented at the 2016 KPMG International Case Competition with a full UNYP team made up of four Business Administration students and the winning team with one of our prestigious alumni! The UNYP team was represented by Lukáš Bláha, Matouš Hartman, Pavel Jiránek and Jakub Malota, who […]

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The art of negotiation

Monika Tutterová Management Coach, Alumni Class of 2003 The art of negotiation consists of one very important principle — believe it or not, this principle can help anyone to get what they want. Let’s take a closer look. The art of negotiation consists of one very important principle — believe it or not, this principle can […]

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Aging and advertising

Adam Krátký Communication & Mass Media Department The world of advertising agencies is an ever-changing and intriguing one. Many of us have watched Mad Men, and while this series is not a documentary, it does give us an insight into what the advertising world is all about – challenges, deadlines, and the pressure of knowing […]

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Speculative Literature and imagination

Jan Kotouč Psychology Department This semester, UNYP students had the opportunity to select the new course Speculative Literature for the first time. What do we mean by Speculative Literature or Speculative Fiction? This semester, UNYP students had the opportunity to select the new course Speculative Literature for the first time. Historically, it means works “speculating” on […]

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University of New York in Prague otevírá nový magisterský obor Psychologie

University of New York in Prague s potěšením oznamuje, že Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky udělilo akreditaci jejímu nejnovějšímu magisterskému studijnímu programu v oboru psychologie. UNYP je jednou z předních anglojazyčných vysokých škol ve střední a východní Evropě a nyní se stala první soukromou vysokou školou v České republice, která poskytuje ucelené vzdělání v oblasti psychologie. Jako […]

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And the dream prom prize goes to Gymnázium a SOŠ dr. Václava Šmejkala! UNYP awards them 25.000 CZK!

The big prom contest is now closed and one group of lucky final year students will be counting the hours till their prom. The University of New York in Prague is going to pimp up their big day to the tune of 25.000 CZK! So how did fortune find them? The big prom contest is […]

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UNYP students have strong results in the CFA Research Challenge 2016

UNYP students took part in the CFA Research Challenge, a prestigious global investment competition, which every year attracts students from all over the world. The competition was organized by the CFA Institute, a global professional association of financial analysts which runs the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exam program.  UNYP students took part in the CFA Research […]

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