Things to see and do during the Czech winter

Many would say that Prague and the Czech Republic is at its best in the spring, when the flowers burst into life, birds sing enthusiastically and the parks and countryside look resplendent in bloom. However, the winter season also has its own unique attractions. Not only do the many days of cold crispness and pure […]

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Autentické pražské vánoce – nepropásněte je!

Pokud je to váš první rok studia v Praze, připravte se na unikátní a magický zážitek z Vánoc! Žádné jiné hlavní město nemůže nabídnout sněhem zasypané uličky, mihotající se světla a svérázné tradice. Očekávejte, že město bude naplněno duchem Vánoc od 29. listopadu (začátek Adventu) a přečtěte si našeho průvodce vánoční Prahou. Určitě nic nepropásněte! ĎÁBLOVÉ, ANDĚLÉ […]

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The Authentic Prague Xmas – what not to miss!

If this is your first year studying in Prague, then get ready for a unique and magical Christmas experience! No other capital city can offer Prague’s snow covered alleyways, twinkling lights and quirky festive traditions. Expect the city to be full of Christmas spirit from November 29th (which marks the start of Advent) and read […]

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Key Recruitment Questions Answered at UNYP Career Seminar

Why would anybody hire you? That was the rather direct but essential question asked at the recent UNYP career seminar, which was led by seasoned recruiter Michael Mayher. Mr. Mayher’s recent seminar was specifically designed for graduates seeking their first professional job on the career ladder. However, there was also essential advice to young people already in work or those […]

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The librarian with street cred, UNYP’s Anna Oravcová

You may not know this, but when Anna Oravcová isn’t running the show in our well-stocked library, she can be found running a different kind of show… Street Cypher, a weekly hip hop radio show on Radio Spin 96.2! Taking over the airwaves every Tuesday from 8 – 11pm, Anna focuses on the sounds and grooves of independent hip […]

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Networking for fun and profit

Monika Tutterová Management Coach, Alumni Class of 2003 It’s not about what you know, but who you know – and these days, it’s also about how quickly you can contact them. The basics for any networking event: Have plenty of business cards Be able to make your presentation in 30 seconds Be open to new possibilities, because […]

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Why Model United Nations?

Anastasia Latenkova Student in the Bachelor’s in International & Economic Relations program  The Model United Nations is somewhere between an academic conference and a game of make-believe, in which students replicate the actual meetings of the United Nations.  Julie Svarovská Student in the Master’s in Professional and Business Communication program  The conferences are usually focused […]

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Your brain – the enemy within

Humberto Aguilera, Ph.D. Psychology Faculty Every day is a challenge – a challenge in which we need to resolve hundreds of issues. Some of these issues seem trivial while others seem important, and our brains resolve hundreds of small decisions for us every day. Julie Svarovská Student in the Master’s in Professional and Business Communication […]

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UNYP students find success at Poland’s most prestigious Model United Nations conference

As students returned to their classes for the first week of semester two members of MUNYP (Model United Nations Society at UNYP) were traveling to Warsaw to attend the 21st Polish Model UN conference, known as POLMUN.  Anastasia Latenkova, who is currently studying a BA in International & Economic Relations at UNYP, was presented with a ‘Best Delegate‘ award for […]

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In a country whose holiday traditions involve a chain-swinging devil and whipping ladies with tree branches it’s no surprise that the Czechs put on a killer Halloween. Whether your perfect Fright Night involves a night home carving pumpkins, over-the-top costume parties or running screaming from a pack of zombies, you’ll find Prague offers something for […]

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