Kronika UNYP je náš bezplatný měsíční informační e-bulletin pro současné i bývalé studenty a pro všechny ostatní, kteří chtějí mít přehled o novinkách na University of New York in Prague. Bulletin přináší nejnovější články z našich webových stránek a zároveň informuje o blížících se akcích, speciálních oznámeních a nabídkách. Každé vydání obsahuje odkaz, skrz který nám můžete poslat zpětnou vazbu, nebo se z odběru bulletinu odhlásit.

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Archiv Kronik do roku 2015

Bob Dylan rocks a Nobel Prize

Awarding the American singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize for Literature means acknowledging the “great American song tradition” ‒ its artistic importance and cultural influence. The story of American song to a certain extent resembles the history of American literature: It begins with adaptations of foreign models and the search for specifically American themes and for a […]

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Cheating your way through university?

In an unpublished study Marek Preiss, Tereza Mejzlíková, et al. focused on cheating behavior and the perception of cheating during university studies as well as attitudes toward cheating in one’s future working environment. University students from Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic (N=1518) each completed an anonymous questionnaire concerning the perception of cheating and actual […]

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Engaging with the Writing Lab Between Semesters

When the Writing Lab at UNYP was first established in 2009, it was designed to operate only throughout the semester while classes were in session and was closed at all other times of the year.  The rationale for the closure was that students who would normally use the service were on holiday, or at least […]

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Song of Humanity

Wherever we are, we feel that we stand at the end of something and like to dream of the beginning. Here is one such a dream. In prehistoric times, before people started living in tribes, they stayed in bands. While tribes were bound by kinship and territory, and thus relatively static, bands were in constant […]

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TEDx returns to UNYP

On November 5th, the University of New York in Prague together with the UNYP Student Council will be hosting the next installment of TEDxUNYP. Following last year’s success, TEDx is returning back to the University of New York in Prague, this year focusing on creativity, inspiration, vision, originality and fantasies – in two words: “Pure Imagination.” […]

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The Challenge and Imperative of Lifelong Learning

Recently, I moved apartments. To be honest, it was a rather stressful process, but there was some reassurance and relief in methodically packing things into boxes and then unpacking them in the new apartment. Life is a bit like that: we find reassurance in putting things into little boxes and moving on – it seems […]

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When the first impression is also the last impression

Again, something to think about when we meet new people. What are our aims? What do we want to get from the meeting? And most important: What first impression do we want to leave? How long does it take for people to make a first impression? Some people think that they have weeks or even years […]

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Mimoškolní aktivity kritické k balancování studia a osobního života

Cesta k úspěchu je plná hodin těžké práce, knih, akcí určenými k navazování kontaktů, výzkumů a hektolitrů kávy. Proto je důležité vytvořit si rovnováhu mezi studiem a osobním životem. Skvěle vám s tím pomůžou mimoškolní aktivity, která vám do života přinesou trochu zábavy. Takže jak na to? Nejprve se posaďte, vezměte si k ruce papír a tužku nebo notebook a […]

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Graduation Ceremony 2016

The University of New York in Prague held its 15th annual graduation ceremony, Friday, June 24th at Palác Žofín. More than 150 graduates from 40 different countries received degrees from UNYP and our partner universities, the State University of New York, Empire State College, National American University, and Le Salle University.  Graduates earned degrees in Business Administration, Communications […]

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Terror vs. Terror: The Global War on Terrorism… 15 Years and Counting

On September 11, 2001, nineteen men hijacked four passenger jets and carried out attacks that killed almost 3,000 people in the United States, demonstrating the vulnerability of powerful nations to massive attacks by small groups of violent extremists. This shocking example of “asymmetric warfare” between powerful nations and sub-national adversaries was an appropriate wake-up call […]

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