Kronika UNYP je náš bezplatný měsíční informační e-bulletin pro současné i bývalé studenty a pro všechny ostatní, kteří chtějí mít přehled o novinkách na University of New York in Prague. Bulletin přináší nejnovější články z našich webových stránek a zároveň informuje o blížících se akcích, speciálních oznámeních a nabídkách. Každé vydání obsahuje odkaz, skrz který nám můžete poslat zpětnou vazbu, nebo se z odběru bulletinu odhlásit.

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Archiv Kronik do roku 2015

Academic Honesty in Multi-cultural Environments

Author: Óscar Hidalgo-Redondo, MPhil Position: Chair of International and Economic Relations With the summer finishing and the beginning of classes so close, the academic community prepares for the challenges of a new academic year. The University of New York in Prague will be receiving students from over fifty countries and this is one the aspects […]

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UNYP has moved to the new Campus

We have moved to a new location! Our new location is Londýnská 41 in Vinohrady (Prague 2), just a few minutes’ walk from our old location. Starting this Fall, most classes will be held in the new building, which will provide more comfort to students and lecturers as well as UNYP´s administrative staff.  Classrooms are […]

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Graduation Ceremony 2014

Author: Andreas Antonopoulos, M.Eng., MBA, Ph.D. Position: Rector of University of New York in Prague On June 27 2014, the Graduation Ceremony for students at UNYP took place in the magnificent, Žofín Palace in Prague.  The keynote speaker at this year’s graduation event was Merodie A. Hancock, Ph.D., President of Empire State College,  State University of New […]

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Global Ethics and Nonviolence

Author: Dr. Charles Webel Position: Guarantor of the IER program at UNYP The idea of a “global ethics” is as old as philosophical and religious ethics, and dates back to at least the 5th-century BCE. Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, among others, asserted the existence of such universally desirable values as virtue, fortitude, […]

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Swimming with sharks

Author: Jan Boleslavský Stefan Engeseth is one of the most creative speakers in Europe and he is also the author of several successful books about marketing and entrepreneurship like Sharkonomics, Detective Marketing and One. Since 2014, Stefan Engeseth is also a lecturer on the prestigious MBA program at the University of New York in Prague, where […]

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The Security Trap

Author: Bill Cohn, J.D.  Position: Attorney, Lecturer of law, ethics and critical thinking at UNYP A colleague asked me not long ago, “What are the greatest challenges to security today?” Having thought about it for a few weeks now, here is my answer: “Security” is an ambiguous term, which in public policy debate is used by […]

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So What Do We Know about Social Media? La Salle Communication professors try to provide some answers

Authors: La Salle Communication professors Have you Yik Yakked yet? Is Facebook (mostly) dead? If a company tweets and nobody retweets did it have an impact?  Without question, social media has transformed the communication landscape. But, much as the utopian promises made with other new media forms, the reality of social media doesn’t quite live up […]

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Studies at Cambridge and work in the City of London? Yes, it is possible and UNYP graduate is proof of that

Author: Petr Rieger Petr Rieger ,,My main and very straightforward advice is to never stop studying and working hard.“  1) Peter, you are a graduate of bachelor program in Business Administration. What did studying at UNYP give you? Besides the development of my business English and other communication and presentation skills, I learned many soft skills […]

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Author: Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CFA Position: Graduate Business Programs Manager In the movie Facing the Giants, a football coach challenges a leader on his team to do the „death crawl,“ where the young man crawls on his hands and knees along a football field, without touching his knees to the ground, while another player rides on […]

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Attacking Self-Attacking and Self-Criticism in Therapy: Developing a Compassionate Mind

Author: Dr. Hilary Cahalane Position: Clinical Psychologist, Teacher of Counselling Theories at UNYP We all experience self-critical thoughts sometimes, but for most of us these thoughts are situation-specific and relatively fleeting, and result in little enduring damage.  However, for some people, often those who have received harsh, critical, rejecting or abusive care from caregivers growing up, […]

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