Kronika UNYP je náš bezplatný měsíční informační e-bulletin pro současné i bývalé studenty a pro všechny ostatní, kteří chtějí mít přehled o novinkách na University of New York in Prague. Bulletin přináší nejnovější články z našich webových stránek a zároveň informuje o blížících se akcích, speciálních oznámeních a nabídkách. Každé vydání obsahuje odkaz, skrz který nám můžete poslat zpětnou vazbu, nebo se z odběru bulletinu odhlásit.

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Archiv Kronik do roku 2015

Case Study Modeling

Author: Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CFA Position: Graduate Business Programs Manager As I write this, I am miles above the earth, being hurled swiftly through the air in a relatively small metal tube, making my way from Oslo to Vienna.  I have been the beneficiary of one of the professional development opportunities offered to UNYP faculty.  […]

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Author: Dr. Humberto Aguilera Position: Instructor of Community Psychology at UNYP Thinking outside of the box is a popular metaphor that referring to creative thinking in order to analyse an issue or a problem. However, when we try to do some creative thinking we don’t know where to start. Einstein suggests starting with the problem […]

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Noble Work vs. Nobel Work

Author: M.A. Kevin Capuder Position: Chair of Business Administration Department Bankers like to tell us that global megabanks are beneficial for the modern economy. By addressing all aspects of multinational corporate financial demand, these institutions provide a required service and needed liquidity to global markets. Financial markets need liquidity to be sure. Liquidity can be simply defined […]

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Is this Internship Right for You?

Author: David Starr-Glass MBA, M.Sc., M.Ed. Position: Mentor, International Programs (Prague), State University of New York – Empire State College On the morning of August 15, 2013, Moritz Erhardt, a 21-year old German student, was found dead in his apartment in London. Moritz had been an intern at the London-based investment banking division of Bank of […]

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Learning to Look / Learning to Ask

Author: Douglas H. Pressman, MBA, Ph.D. Position: Sociology Instructor at UNYP Nearly every time I see Chinese tourists in a Chinese restaurant in Europe or North America, they are eating dishes that are not on the menu. How does that happen? Obviously, they have asked the waiter for what they want. And the cook obliged them. Is […]

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UNYP úspěšně získal Americkou profesionální akreditaci

Prohlášení k akreditaci od IACBE UNYP Graduation Ceremony of 2013, ACBE from UNYP videos on Vimeo. Praha, 27. června 2013 – University of New York in Prague (UNYP) dnes na tiskové konferenci oznámila, že jejich program celoživotního vzdělávání Masters of Business Administration (MBA) a Evropský Bakalář v oboru Business Administration jako první získaly akreditaci amerického nezávislého Mezinárodního shromáždění kolegia pro obchodní […]

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15th Anniversary Celebration will take place on October 3, 2013 at Duplex Bar & Restaurant

Dear Students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Dear Partners and Friends, We are extremely pleased to invite you to join us for our 15th Anniversary Celebration, marking the foundation of the University of New York in Prague.  This very special event will take place at the Duplex Bar & Restaurant on Thursday, October 3, 2013, at 7 […]

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Academic Recognition: The Value of a Good Accreditation

The last academic year has been extraordinarily intense for most of the departments at the University of New York in Prague. Three of them (Business Administration; Mass Media and Communication; and International Economic Relations) submitted their reaccreditation at the end of 2012 to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The […]

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Day of Caring

I worked for several years as the Finance Director for a regional United Way in the U.S.  Every spring, we had an event called the „Day of Caring.“  This was a day when we would invite businesspeople, managers, department chairs, CEOs, etc. who were all United Way donors to leave their offices for a day, […]

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Promoce 2013

Dne 28. října se konaly promoce studentů UNYP v nádherném Paláci Žofín v Praze. UNYP Graduation Ceremony 2013, Record Montage from UNYP videos on Vimeo. Hlavním řečníkem na letošní promoci byl Norman L. Eisen, J.D., B.A., velvyslanec Spojených států amerických v České republice.​ ​Během promoce byly předány diplomy 197 studentům z 38 zemí a to jak z UNYP, tak z partnerských univerzit. Absolventi obdrželi diplomy […]

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