How do we approach the topic of intercultural skills? For some of us, working together in an intercultural environment comes naturally. For instance, those of us who’ve had the opportunity to work closely with people from different backgrounds – people who have different behaviors, tastes, or even moral standards – already have some idea of what we’re going to discuss here.
However, many of UNYP’s new students may not have had the chance yet to enjoy and learn from the company of those who come from distant regions. Yes, we all arrive at UNYP with our own valid and historically shaped cultural bases, deeply rooted in the people and experiences that define who we are. These lessons and qualities within us are essential parts of our identities, almost as powerful as genetics. So, the logical question arises: Can we forget who we are just because we’ve moved to another place, possibly into what we initially perceive as an “alien” culture? Absolutely not! You are YOU, and nothing should change that fact.
However, you can adapt to your new situation without compromising your identity, and you can do so in a way that allows you to be accepted by, and accepting of, others from different cultures. Let’s take an example: You’re new to UNYP, suddenly thrust into a multicultural environment and a potentially different educational structure and way of doing things. Can this be overwhelming? Absolutely! Depending on the surprises you encounter, you might even consider leaving UNYP and returning to the familiar. This would be a normal reaction, one that many others have experienced before.
But… you can overcome this new and possibly daunting situation! You can find your own solution to these alien thoughts and feelings and eventually thrive in your intercultural experience. What is the key? Communication! Specifically, intercultural communication. Learning to communicate effectively not just within your own culture but with people from others is essential. After all, why would you be at UNYP if not to pursue a multicultural education that will lead to success on a global stage? In short, do you want to thrive in a culturally diverse world? If so, learn how to communicate effectively with people who are different from you. It may be easier said than done, but help is available.
Anna Mascarello offers five tactics that can help us develop personal strategies to better understand and be understood by people from different cultures:
To conclude, if you are unprepared to face a new culture (especially in a multicultural setting), the stress of adapting can be overwhelming. However, in today’s information age, there are plenty of resources to help you prepare for these challenges. As always, improving your communication skills – particularly intercultural communication – can be key to a smoother integration into your new environment. The five tips offered by Ms. Mascarello can be a helpful starting point for developing your own strategy to improve intercultural communication and succeed in a diverse world.
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