Student Spotlight: Be Ha Nguyen

Influencers are often judged for what they do, and influencing is seldom taken seriously as a career option – especially when it comes to older generations, who are not digital natives. The general opinion is that influencers don’t really know what they want to do with their lives beyond posting nonsense on social media. While […]

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Three Generations of Holocaust Survivors

Several authors from UNYP and the National Institute of Mental Health and CEITEC (the Central European Institute of Technology) have written a research article on the effects of the Holocaust. The study was carried out thanks to the support of GACR (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) and organized by CEITEC leader prof. MUDr. Ivan […]

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5 Ways to Predict Your Future

Perhaps you haven’t seen this topic presented so directly before. Yes, you frequently ponder your future, but how often do you truly actively reflect upon what is in store for you? How often do you push yourself into directly tying your present situation to the actual plans and actions required to positively contribute to what […]

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Career options for UNYP’s new Child Development Program

The human mind has been a popular subject of research since ancient times. It is common knowledge that childhood development has a strong influence on one’s personality and behavior in adulthood. The University of New York in Prague has decided to create a new program for students who want to pursue a career in which […]

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UNYP hosts webinar with Ondřej Staněk: Presentation Design

On Thursday, March 4, we had the opportunity to participate in a second amazing workshop with lecturer Ondřej Staněk, this time on the topic of Presentation Design.  Ondra, a true professional, interactively guided us through the basics of preparing a PowerPoint presentation, combining his profound knowledge and experience in this area with a great deal […]

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5 physical activities to keep yourself fit in Prague

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, it is important to do physical exercise on a regular basis. A healthy body will help you concentrate on your studies and live your best student life. Of course, we could suggest that you go to the gym – but we feel that this is too obvious and […]

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UNYP uvedl úspěšný veřejný webinář věnovaný strastem virtuální výuky

University of New York in Prague ve čtvrtek 25. března poprvé představila událost pro širokou veřejnost, která měla za cíl podpořit rodiče, učitele a studenty v překonávání výzev distanční výuky. Webinář vedla PhDr. Linda Maruščáková, která na UNYPu vede předměty Sportovní psychologie, Etika v psychologii a Psychodiagnostika dospělých.  Na platformách ZOOM a YouTube se dohromady […]

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Politics for Troubled Times

In September 2021, we will welcome the first cohort of students to our newly-registered bachelor program in Political Science, offered in cooperation with SUNY Empire State College. One could have hardly have expected a better time for a program like this to be launched. We live in a time of what we could call a civilizational crisis. […]

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How Ecological Collapse Affects Your Discipline

While writing the headline of this article, questions are storming through my head about the legitimacy of burdening people’s shoulders with even more things to worry about. We are living in trying times, facing unprecedented difficulties, experiencing a mix of fear, uncertainty, despair, even depression. More bad news is the last thing anyone needs. Many […]

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Applied learning during a global pandemic

It all happened so fast. That is how I remember the transition to online learning last year. First there was news of a mysterious new virus from Wuhan, with stories multiplying throughout January. By mid-March the lockdown was upon us in full force. My first thought then was to change as little as I could. […]

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