5 výhod mezinárodní komunity na UNYP

The University of New York in Prague nabízí jedinečnou studijní zkušenost, kdy můžete získat americký i evropský titul v srdci Evropy. Centrální lokace UNYPu, spolu s Erasmus+ a Exchange programy, lákají studenty z celé Evropy, Asie a Ameriky. Výsledkem je, že na UNYPu vzniká různorodá komunita s rozdílnými kulturami a názory. Všechna komunikace probíhá přátelsky a s respektem, jak se patří […]

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How to maximize your university experience

During their university years, students tend to grow and learn the most intellectually and socially. Some describe their university studies as a highlight of their life. During your time as a college student, you can create long-lasting friendships, find future business partners, and even begin a romantic relationship. At UNYP, these experiences are magnified by […]

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Udávejte digitální trendy budoucnosti s titulem z Umění digitálních médií

V posledních deseti letech lze pozorovat vzestup digitálních médií jak z pohledu nárůstu poptávky po studijních oborech, tak i z hlediska vzniku nových pracovních příležitostí. Užívání sociálních médií celosvětově roste a to má za následek vytváření stále větší poptávky po kreativních profesionálech, kteří rozumí práci s textem, fotkami, grafikou, audiem i videem a kteří ví, jak používat inovativní přístupy při produkci kvalitního digitálního obsahu. Proč studovat obor Umění […]

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Why choose a university in Prague, far from home?

Choosing where to go to university is one of the most significant decisions you will make, and there are several factors to consider. As Covid-19 impacts the opening of campuses in the spring, this decision has become more complicated, particularly when considering attending a university far from your home. However, the world’s pandemic situation is changing rapidly, and with European countries beginning mass vaccinations, we […]

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UNYP student guide to the perfect LinkedIn profile picture

Previously we have talked about organizing and maintaining a professional-looking online presence for current UNYP students and recent graduates. Now it’s time to get more specific and discuss something that is a stumbling block for many young professionals – your LinkedIn profile picture. As you might know from your Marketing or Digital Photography classes, a good photo is a critical element for your LinkedIn presence. Of course, […]

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Assertion Without Aggression: Seven Strategies

To be sure, we all like to get our way when we deal with other people, especially if the stakes are personally important to us. This is normal – I mean, who likes to lose? Nonetheless, most of us are reasonable human beings who will usually play by the rules and interact with one another […]

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Perlego Book of the month: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

It has been a few weeks since the end of the UNYP fall semester, and most of our students are now using Perlego for their studies. Many of them also choose to use the website to read for pleasure, which is an excellent way to relax during the long winter break evenings. Even if you are […]

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Total recall: strategies for memorizing class content while studying at UNYP

Whether you are studying Business, Child Development, or Political Science, all UNYP programs require you to memorize large amounts of information. When you take multiple courses, learning different material simultaneously can be challenging, especially during the exams. Many students feel that their memory is unreliable, but everybody can train and improve their ability to memorize things. Practical learning tips […]

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Plant-based Prague: 7 vegan-friendly restaurants and bistros for UNYP students

The UNYP community is very progressive, and many of our students and faculty have embraced the vegan lifestyle over the past few years. Prague has a burgeoning vegan scene, with new cafes, restaurants, and shops opening around town. If you walk into any restaurant in the Czech capital, you are more likely than ever to see items marked VE – when this would have been almost impossible only ten years ago.  […]

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There’s always room in academia for a maverick idea to become mainstream

When you are in the midst of your studies and the majority of the information you receive is from experienced professors whom you respect, or from dense, peer-reviewed journals, it is easy to start thinking that academics know it all, which can feel intimidating. True academics, however, know that there is always more to discover […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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