Jak vybudovat v Praze úspěšný start-up

Praha je fantastické místo na život a studium.  Jde také o vynikající místo, když chcete vybudovat start-up společnost. Protože jsou tu náklady na život mnohem nižší, než v jiných částech EU, podnikání je možné rozběhnout rychleji než na trzích v západní Evropě. Praha, která představuje nejvýznamnější obchodní uzel v krajině, nabízí rozvinutou infrastrukturu a fantastickou polohu. […]

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10 Prague Instagrammers Worth Following

What does your Instagram feed consist of these days? Fellow UNYP students, friends from back home? Your favorite brands and world-famous influencers?  Many people think that this platform can’t offer anything better than billions, if not trillions, of kittens, other people’s meals, and hidden (or not-so-hidden) ads. Although Instagram has all of the above, if you […]

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8 Tips to Improve Your Academic and Work Focus

Have you ever found yourself faced with an important task but been unable to focus on it long enough or well enough to get it done effectively? Does this happen to you too often for comfort?  Certainly, the occasional inability to concentrate is nothing unusual, but it can be particularly annoying (or even worrisome) if […]

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Is your tablet hurting your child?

Tablets, mobiles, computers – for today’s toddlers, these „toys“ are more common than Lego. „Children are mature enough to work independently with technology only at about the age of fourteen. Only then should they get a kind of digital passport,” says Michaela Slussareff, who teaches sociology and technology-related courses in the Communication and Media major at UNYP, […]

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First days of uni from the eyes of a professor

If I had to choose my favourite moments in my life as an instructor at the University of New York in Prague, then without doubt I would choose graduation day and the first day of freshman classes. Graduations are obviously a moment of joy and accomplishment, and a celebration of the hard work that students have put […]

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Vyhrajte 25 000 Kč na váš maturitní ples!

Maturitní večírek je nezapomenutelnou událostí, kterou si nechcete nechat ujít. Na zkoušky a známky zapomenete, ale vzpomínky z této akce vám zůstanou napořád. Moc dobře víme, že maturitní večírek můžu vyjít na velké množství peněz, především když k tomu připočtete všechny maličkosti, které jsou potřeba. Proto chce University of New York in Prague přispět 25 […]

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Things to See and Do around UNYP’s Campus

A former vineyard (this is what “Vinohrady” means in Czech), the Vinohrady district has changed dramatically over the years. The neighborhood was once synonymous with the Prague bourgeoisie, but has become a hub for expats and hipsters and is now one of the most popular places to live and go out. What do you know […]

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Sustainability tips for UNYP students

The quality of life that we experience when living and studying in Prague is fundamental to how we feel about the city – and to how the capital is viewed from the outside. The way we behave in Prague today will directly affect the quality of life of its future generations, and their view of […]

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Five simple recipes for students

Starting university or coming back to the classroom after a summer break? With the help of our personal experience of living and dining in Prague, we’ve assembled this collection of simple recipes for UNYP students that will help them to create a healthier school-week menu and save some money. These five recipes consist of simple ingredients, do […]

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How to live in Prague on a student budget?

Prague is not as pricey comparing to London or New York, but can you live comfortably here on a student budget? The answer is yes, and these tips will help you avoid asking your parents for more pocket money. Please keep in mind that living costs may vary depending on your accommodation choices, lifestyle, and […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

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Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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