2015 UNYP Year in Review

2015 was an amazing year for the University of New York in Prague and our students, professors and friends. Check out what we achieved over the year and choose your favorite UNYP moment… Londýnská, here we go… Is there any better location for a university in Prague than the Londýnská street in Vinohrady? Our new […]

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UNYP team has success in the Unilever Future Leaders’ League!

Three UNYP students, Danai Baouraki, Nikola Kmoníčková and Daniela Slezáková, took part in the Unilever Future Leaders‘ League (UFLL) and won the CEE National Final which took place in Warsaw in December 2015.  Unilever Future Leaders’ League is a marketing competition that brings together students from all over the world to participate in a creative brand challenge […]

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Prague – beautiful, fun and now safer than ever …

The Czech Republic has been rated as one of the top ten safest countries in the world! The recently released Global Peace Index, published by the Institute for Economics and Peace, looked at numerous factors considered important to a country’s long-term safety and security. The Czech Republic came in 10th on the list, up one […]

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Can Money Buy Us Happiness?

Can Money Buy Us Happiness? Research shows that it can, but under one condition – when it is spent on others. In one experiment (Dunn et al., 2008) participants were given a $5 or $20 bill and told either to spend it on others or to buy something for themselves. Those who spent the money […]

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UNYP hosts Czech-based startup Voluntair

Voluntair introduced the world of international volunteering to UNYP students during a recent presentation at the university. Voluntair introduced the world of international volunteering to UNYP students during a recent presentation at the university. Based in Prague, Voluntair is bringing a novel business model to the local market; the ability to see the world through community service. As a […]

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The year of forgetting

Todd Nesbitt Chair of Communication and Mass Media Department It was a year of forgetting. It was a year of forgetting that countless numbers of our parents, and our grandparents, and our great-grandparents, once fled their homes due to war, persecution, and totalitarianism. Todd Nesbitt Chair of Communication and Mass Media  It was a year […]

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Breaking screen addiction

Carlos Gutiérrez Graduate Business Programs Manager As a long-time business educator, it’s both distressing and encouraging to look out upon a classroom full of students and realize that there are more screens than people in the room.  Humberto Aguilera, Ph.D. Psychology Faculty The business students in my classes frequently multitask with a smartphone, laptop and […]

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The story that I tell myself

Monika Tutterová Management Coach, Alumni Class of 2003 As we communicate out loud to the outside world, so we also communicate silently and inwardly. How much do our inner monologues shape our outer actions? As we communicate out loud to the outside world, so we also communicate silently and inwardly. How much do our inner monologues […]

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Art Exhibition at UNYP

The annual Introduction to Drawing and Design, UNYP Art Exhibition took place on Tuesday 8th December 2015. The students were taught by Natasha Sutta, and learned the basics of line, tone, color, composition, design, and to exhibit these skills in their artwork. Visitors, which included UNYP students, staff and faculty, were especially delighted by logo designs representing the […]

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The Media, The Refugee Crisis and the UNYP Community

On Thursday November 5th the University of New York in Prague hosted a PULSE lecture on the issues and controversies that journalists face in reporting the current refugee crisis. The lecture was delivered by journalism Professor Benjamin Cunningham, Central European correspondent for the Economist, and regular contributor to SME, the Guardian and Politico, to a packed room of professors and students from all majors. Focusing on a number […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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