Did you know: the Petřín Lookout Tower

The Petřín Lookout Tower, fashioned after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, was constructed in 1891. It stands 60m tall and has 299 steps. The Petřín Tower was originally built as an observation tower and also receives transmissions.  Today, visitors from all over the world visit Petřín Hill for its lovely gardens and beautiful view. But did you […]

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The results are in: 2015 Student Council elections

We’ve received the results from the 2015 UNYP Student Council elections! Let’s give a round of applause to your new council members: President: Amit Grinvald Vice President: Liudmila Emelianova Treasurer: Matous Hartman Secretary: Robin Nguyen Club Coordinator: Nicole Severinova Events Manager: Danai Baouraki PR Manager: Natasha Khozyainova BDR: Huy Do Quang IT Manager: Scott Divelbiss

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Third International Student Research Conference (ISRC)

On May 15, 2015, the Third International Student Research Conference (ISRC) took place was held at Dům Národnostních Menšin. The participants had a chance to present their own work as well as learn about a number of studies that have been conducted by those presenting. Moreover, the conference hosted guest presenters from countries such as Germany, […]

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Congrats to the UNYP team for their success in the L’Oréal Brandstorm Challenge!

This year, UNYP placed third in the regional round for the L’Oréal Brandstorm Challenge. Created in 1992, this challenge gives students all over the world the opportunity to design innovative marketing promotions for realistic situations. In addition to global recognition, L’Oréal uses the competition to recruit young, talented contestants, offering the group of winners an internship […]

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Entrepreneurship: international trends and hot areas

Andreas Antonopoulos, Rector of the University of New York in Prague, spoke to the Management Faculty at the University of Salvador (USAL), on the personal, cyclical, financial and business conditions that must be taken into account when undertaking business ventures. Argentina is one of the top 10 entrepreneurial countries in the world, implementing quality and innovative projects despite […]

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Dosavadní univerzitní studium nemusí přijít nazmar

Nejste spokojeni s dosavadním studiem na vaší univerzitě? Před dvěma lety zjistila studie National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, že třetina studentů alespoň jednou změnila školu před získáním titulu. Možná budete následovat jejich příklad a přestoupíte na univerzitu, která bude lépe vyhovovat vašim požadavkům. České školy i po 25 letech od sametové revoluce stále zaostávají, například […]

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The surprising truth about what motivates people

Sotiris Karagiannis, BSc, MEd, MBA Managing Partner, Senior Trainer and Business Consultan at MDI South East Europe Professor of Organizational Behavior & Leadership at UNYP Most of us believe that the best way to motivate ourselves and others is with external rewards like money – the carrot – and – stick approach.  That’s a mistake, […]

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Entrepreneurship: One guy’s experience and advice

Jeff Medeiros, MBA Business Administration Faculty Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to start my own business.  At 16 I sold plants and flowers by the side of the road in Houston, Texas with a Huck-Finnesque painted sign: „$7.50/each, 3 for $15.“  Then in college, I started a swim school to help pay […]

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Good Bye letter

Evelyn Hall Wells, Professor Emeritus, Social Policy Director of Academic Programs, Empire State College, State University of New York    As some of you already know, I will be retiring as of the end of the 2014-15 academic year after 14 memorable years of teaching and administration with International Programs, Empire State College, State University […]

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How to Keep Your Cool During Finals Week

It’s finals week and students are buckling down and hitting the books.  This week is incredibly stressful for many students, and oftentimes, they neglect to care for their well-being.  Understandably so, studying might seem to be the quintessence of importance during this week, however, it is just as vital to nurture the body and mind in […]

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