Příběhy úspěšných

Ondrej Papez

Consultant at InfaPartner
"Thanks to UNYP’s American education system, I was able to take more business-related courses and modules. Shortly after finishing the mandatory courses, I shifted my focus towards business administration and marketing management—I found these courses to be much more relevant to what I was already doing professionally outside school. I received a lot of practical information"

Pavel Podruh

Founder and CEO of Czech Sustainable Houses & iBatt Ltd.
"I finished High School in the US and wanted to continue with the ethos. At that time, I also started to tour with my band here in the Czech Republic intensively. So, UNYP was the win-win scenario for me. I am glad I made this choice."

Amit Grinvald

Head of Accounting and Operations at Keastone
"Many UNYP professors are not just academics; they run businesses and companies and have extensive networks of their previous students in their respective industries."

Olga Mantilla

Deputy Manager of CARLO IV
"I was also looking for a university where I could make good connections for the future – the network you create is one of the most important things you gain from doing a Master’s degree. I found the double degree that UNYP offers with Bolton University to be very beneficial. It was good to have academic input from the UK, combined with everything UNYP could offer – a great mix of two universities."

Šárka Fričová

Director and Co-owner of BeeMedia, s.r.o.
"Many of the case studies and assignments are easier to understand if you have dealt with similar situations in the real world. It is also better for the group if you can share your work experiences and learn from each other, not just from the instructor and literature."

Anton Kozych

Investment Committee Member at REIT-CZ
"Coming to Prague as a foreigner, I saw an MBA program at UNYP as an excellent opportunity for making local and international connections, and some of them grew into serious friendships."

Dominika Janigova

PR and Booking agent of Ondrej Pivec
"The study process turned out exactly how I had hoped: open discussions, group projects, challenging tasks, all in English, friendly professors and an overall positive, creative vibe."

Adam Grof

Globální HR servisní poradce pro Microsoft
“Díky University of New York in Prague jsem byl schopný vytvořit si vlastní korporátní identitu, zůstat motivovaný a dělat tu nejlepší práci,“ říká Adam Grof, který pracuje jako globální HR servisní poradce pro Microsoft v České republice. Před šesti lety, než začal pracovat pro Microsoft, byl Adam studentem prvního ročníku na University of New York in…

Jiří Sýkora

Investment Manager
"Everyday you’re exposed to so much information and data, you need to know how to process it quickly to make the right decisions. That’s something I learned at UNYP"

Albert Ballardini

Zakladatel a CEO Go Fit
„Kdyby nebylo UNYPu, nevím, jestli bych to dokázal,“ říká Albert Ballardini, generální ředitel a zakladatel společnosti Go Fit. „Všechny nápady vznikly v čase, kdy jsem studoval program MBA.“ V roce 2009 pracoval Albert jako advokát v Londýnské právní kanceláři s názvem Anthony Seddon Solicitors LLP. Po globální finanční krizi pracoval v několika významných společnostech. „Když přicházíte do styku…

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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