Příběhy úspěšných

Radek Musil

Partner at Roklen Holding and CEO at Fundlift
"Thanks to the various topics covered in the Business Administration major at UNYP, I gained knowledge of different business fields that led me to where I am today."

Jeff Medeiros

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Keastone
"I’ve made more relevant contacts in business through UNYP than UC Berkeley"

Petr Zima

Head of MINI at BMW Group Czech Republic
"I really appreciated that University of New York in Prague provided a well-balanced mix of scholars and top professionals in its faculty,"

Václav Vítek

Generální ředitel, Quissisana Services s.r.o.
„Lidé studující na University of New York in Prague nejsou číšníci, většinou jsou to vůdci,“ říká Vítek. „Pokud hledáte studijní program, který vám pomůže porozumět Praze i Evropě, UNYP je místo pro vás.“ Václav Vítek každodenně projde hotelem Quisisana Palace a ptá se zaměstnanců, pracovníků kavárny i restaurace, jak se všichni mají a co je potřeba…

João Duarte

CEO at Techloop.io & Co-Founder at Hagen Human Capital
"Highly experienced faculty as one of UNYP’s most valuable assets, particularly many of the professors’ extensive industry background, meaning they can bring not just theoretical knowledge but plenty of practical experience as well."

Tomáš Bártek

Marketing Director, Maternia
"UNYP MBA program structured the knowledge I had prior and the knowledge I gained during my studies to prepared a good base for management"

Matthew Johnston

Program/Grants Assistant for Africa, USAID - Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
"UNYP provided a great education, which also helped me to maneuver the accreditation challenges that come with a complicated and globalized world."

Mladen Grebo

Partner, Strategic Planner at Goodkin
"When you have more diverse people, the environment suddenly becomes livelier, and this generates a lot of new ideas. If you have only one nationality, everything tends to be stereotypical. UNYP is a good place to experience diversity; you get enriched by other cultures, other habits and points of view. When you put all that together, you become much more cultured, and you have a much broader worldview. Everybody should experience this at some point in their life. Because once you have the broader picture, you embrace the good and don’t fear the bad."

Kateřina Říhová

Business Manager of GM CEE Multi-Country at Microsoft
"I loved most of the classes because the professors came from different parts of the world, with different experiences; they were not just academics, they came from real businesses with real life experiences."

Kateřina Kantová

Psychologist and Author
"The best part of the program was that it required 700 hours of practical experience before being awarded the diploma. This gave me an advantage over graduates of other programs as i came into the field with hundreds of hours of experience which i believe was invaluable. Having completed my studies in English has also broadened mine professional opportunities."

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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