A genuine American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Příběhy úspěšných

Michaela Milkovičová
Michaela Milkovičová
Business Administration, Class of 2015
Global Foods Strategy, Innovation and Operations Manager, Unilever
"My classes were taught in small groups, my professors had a business background, and I had classmates from all over the world. I felt very humbled and honored to study at this prestigious university, so I tried to get the most out of the classes."
Tomáš Bártek
Tomáš Bártek
MBA in Project Management, class of 2012
Marketing Director, Maternia
"UNYP MBA program structured the knowledge I had prior and the knowledge I gained during my studies to prepared a good base for management"
Kateřina Kantová
Kateřina Kantová
Master in Clinical & Counseling Psychology, class of 2013
Psychologist and Author
"The best part of the program was that it required 700 hours of practical experience before being awarded the diploma. This gave me an advantage over graduates of other programs as i came into the field with hundreds of hours of experience which i believe was invaluable. Having completed my studies in English has also broadened mine professional opportunities."
Ladislav Čapek
Ladislav Čapek
MBA, class of 2010
Founder of Geosense
"In public universities, I feel that students put less emphasis on the quality of education, whereas it seems more important for students in private schools. The teachers were incredibly important at UNYP. In fact, Professor Varley was the greatest teacher I ever had. "
Olga Mantilla
Olga Mantilla
Master in International Management, class of 2018
Deputy Manager of CARLO IV
"I was also looking for a university where I could make good connections for the future – the network you create is one of the most important things you gain from doing a Master’s degree. I found the double degree that UNYP offers with Bolton University to be very beneficial. It was good to have academic input from the UK, combined with everything UNYP could offer – a great mix of two universities."

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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