Meet Our Alumni

Nela Sotonová

Partner & Co-founder, Clavis Partners
"Learning in English was a valuable asset for me while studying for my bachelor’s degree. Ultimately, the English proficiency that I gained at UNYP helped me to earn my MBA at FIU in the United States. However, the presentation skills that I acquired helped me the most. We wrote a lot of essays at UNYP, and now, I am able to write articles and emails in English without thinking about them too much."

Dominika Janigová

PR, Promotion & Booking Agent
"Studying at UNYP gave me a good basis in time management and cooperation with people. The school taught me to understand that different people see things differently, that sometimes somebody can be irresponsible, the importance of tolerance…and this helps me today."

Hana Reader

Senior HR Business Partner - Emerging Markets, Bodycote
"Only since doing the MBA have I fully understood some of the connections in our business. Among the most useful for me was new knowledge about economics and finance. Such as what P&L is, what a balance sheet is, how to read an annual report, how the stock markets work…,"

Martin Pavlíček

Senior PR Director, Havas Worldwide Prague
”Jednou z největších deviz studia na University of New York v Praze je navázání kontaktů a „vzájemně prospěšných vztahů“. A to jak s kolegy studenty, tak i s profesory. Setkáváte se tu s lidmi z mnoha zemí, učíte se od sebe navzájem a nesmírně vás to obohacuje.“ Martin Pavlíček (35) nejprve získal na University of New York…

Martin Trepáč

Co-Founder | Managing Director,
"I realized early enough to listen or accept others’ opinions, while I was improving my education by studying in the MBA program at UNYP. In my classes, I met students who worked in different industries and realized that even though marketing is mainly about intuition and common sense, if you spend a great deal of time in one field, it influences the way you think. But by including the opinions of others you open the door for your career development and personal growth."

Kronika UNYP

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261

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