UNYP President congratulates the class of 2015

Another academic year has passed and the faculty and staff at UNYP are thrilled to announce that our 2015 commencement ceremony is this Saturday, June 27th, at Palác Žofín.   For the last seventeen years, we have been moved by the dedication and accomplishments of our graduates. Again, this year we are inspired by the diligence and fortitude they […]

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Recognition of UNYP Valedictorian Graduates

Each year, we say good bye to our graduating class.  As each previous year, we are thankful for the time they’ve spent at UNYP, the ability to watch them grow, and the new perspectives they’ve shared with us and their peers.   As each graduate leaves Palác Žofín on Saturday, June 27th (Graduation Ceremony 2015), with newly […]

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What NOT to do before graduation

UNYP’s 2015 graduation ceremony is on Saturday, June 27th, at Palác Žofín, and students are gearing up for the commencement.  During this week, while students are taking a much needed break after the grueling finals and spending time with their proud families and friends, remember this much-heeded (and likewise, often ignored) advice, moderation is key. Here are […]

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Congratulations to our graduating class of 2015!

I am honored to announce that the 14th Annual UNYP Graduation Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 27, at Palác Žofín.  This year, nearly two hundred graduates, from various countries around the world, will be taking part in our commencement ceremony.   I’d like to take this moment to reiterate UNYP’s Mission Statement.  We believe that education is […]

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Today marks a milestone for the Statue of Liberty

We’re honored to have the Statue of Liberty as the logo for the University of New York in Prague and proud of everything the monument represents. Today, June 17, marks a milestone for the American symbol of freedom.  130 years ago, the 350 copper pieces that assembles the Statue of Liberty landed in the New […]

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Colorado State University students attended an entrepreneurship panel at UNYP

Colorado State University’s Entrepreneurship Director, Dr. Timothy Galpin, along with seven undergraduate students, visited UNYP for a panel discussion on Friday morning, June 6th.  The discussion was arranged by Aaron Johnson, Entrepreneurship Center Director at UNYP, who invited entrepreneurial guest The panel focused on the various entrepreneurship roles and practices that they’ve undertaken. Dr. Galpin and the CSU students […]

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Top 3 things to do while you’re studying in Prague this summer

After a long, arduous winter, summer has finally emerged. The leaves are green, flowers are in bloom, outdoor patios are open, and residents and tourists, alike, are eager to feel the sunshine against their skin. While you’re studying this summer, why not make the most of what Prague has to offer? Here are our top […]

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Did you know: the Petřín Lookout Tower

The Petřín Lookout Tower, fashioned after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, was constructed in 1891. It stands 60m tall and has 299 steps. The Petřín Tower was originally built as an observation tower and also receives transmissions.  Today, visitors from all over the world visit Petřín Hill for its lovely gardens and beautiful view. But did you […]

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The results are in: 2015 Student Council elections

We’ve received the results from the 2015 UNYP Student Council elections! Let’s give a round of applause to your new council members: President: Amit Grinvald Vice President: Liudmila Emelianova Treasurer: Matous Hartman Secretary: Robin Nguyen Club Coordinator: Nicole Severinova Events Manager: Danai Baouraki PR Manager: Natasha Khozyainova BDR: Huy Do Quang IT Manager: Scott Divelbiss

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Third International Student Research Conference (ISRC)

On May 15, 2015, the Third International Student Research Conference (ISRC) took place was held at Dům Národnostních Menšin. The participants had a chance to present their own work as well as learn about a number of studies that have been conducted by those presenting. Moreover, the conference hosted guest presenters from countries such as Germany, […]

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