Pavel Bykov je absolventem roku 2021

Ani v této náročné a neobvyklé době nemohou zůstat mimořádné úspěchy našich absolventů bez povšimnutí. Věříme, že každoroční odměňování absolventek a absolventů je důležité pro udržování jejich sítě a napojení na UNYP komunitu. Ambice, nadšení a tvrdá práce, kterou naši absolventi vložili do svých projektů, mění svět v mnoha oblastech na lokální i globální úrovni S radostí oznamujeme, že […]

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TOP 3 nominace na Absolventa roku

University of New York in Prague byla vždy na svoje absolventy neuvěřitelně pyšná. Každý rok oslavujeme jejich úspěchy a oceňujeme naše absolventky a absolventy cenou Alumni of the Year. Naše komunita čítající více než 3 000 absolventů významně ovlivnila byznys, politiku, vědu i veřejný život po celém světě. Absolventi UNYPu mění svět k lepšímu a UNYP […]

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Sotiris Foutsis to the Class of 2020

On behalf of the University of New York in Prague family, I extend sincere congratulations and best of luck to the Class of 2020! You have been exceptional representatives of the UNYP community, and I am confident that you will continue to serve as valuable ambassadors of our university by building upon our reputation for excellence. […]

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UNYP President’s Message to the Class of 2020

Congratulations, graduates of the University of New York in Prague, class of 2020! Your talent, leadership, and commitment are needed now more than ever, as our global society navigates a new reality. There have been challenging events in modern history that some people thought we could not recover from, but we did. This pandemic is no […]

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UNYP announces the top 3 nominees for Alumni of the Year 2020

The University of New York in Prague has always been incredibly proud of our alumni. Every year we celebrate their achievements, and acknowledge and reward an alumnus or alumna with the Alumni of the Year Award. Our dynamic community of more than 3,000 alumni has made a significant impact around the world in business, politics, science, and […]

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Becoming a Leader of Tomorrow

I am a graduate of the UNYP class of 2019. I have earned my Master’s in Psychology, and am now supporting UNYP students as an undergraduate academic advisor and graduate coordinator for the School of Psychology. I spoke as a graduate student representative at the 2019 graduating ceremony, reflecting on the UNYP motto, “Educating tomorrow’s leaders.” […]

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UNYP awards its second Alumni of the Year

The University of New York in Prague has always been incredibly proud of its graduates. Our vibrant community of more than 3000 alumni has made a significant impact around the globe in business, politics, science, and public life. This month we were excited to host our annual Alumni Reunion, an event which provides an opportunity […]

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UNYP announces TOP 5 nominees for Alumni of the Year 2019

The University of New York in Prague has always been extremely proud of our Alumni. We created the Alumni of the Year Award to acknowledge and reward an alumnus or alumna and their achievements. UNYP’s Alumni continue to change the world for the better, and UNYP believes that acknowledging and rewarding these efforts is the right way […]

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The nomination period for Alumni of the Year Award 2019 is OPEN!

Our community of alumni has made a significant impact in the Czech Republic and worldwide. Each year, we recognize one alumnus or alumna who has made an outstanding contribution through the Alumni of the Year Awards. Exceptional achievements shouldn’t stay unnoticed, and we believe that our annual Alumni of the Year Awards are an essential part of […]

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Proč jsem si vybral studium na UNYP

Když si vybíráte mezi soukromou a státní univerzitou, musíte zvážit několik faktorů, cenou studia počínaje, prestiží a formou studia konče. Hospodářské noviny vyzpovídali Martina Pavlíčka, výkonného ředitele Havas PR, o jeho zkušenostech na University of New York in Prague. Martin nejprve na UNYP vystudoval bakalářský obor Komunikace a masová média a poté zde dokončil i magisterský program […]

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