“Game Night” by UNYP Psychology Club

On the 4th of March, the UNYP Psychology Club organized “Game Night”!  The purpose of the event was to get students together, connect them through playing a game, as well as enrich their knowledge in psychology by getting them thinking about terms related to psychology in some way. The participants were divided into 4 groups […]

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Ředitel Mezinárodního programu SUNY/ESC pan Gavin Lowder navštívil UNYP

Empire State College a University of New York in Prague v říjnu hostilo na návštěvě  ředitele Mezinárodního programu, Empire State College, pana Gavin Lowder. Ředitel Lowder se během pobytu setkal s lektory, studenty, zaměstnanci a prohlédl si nové zařízení univerzity. Zmínil se o misi ESC, tedy zpřístupnit vzdělání uchazečům díky partnerství v různých částech světa.  […]

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PULSE LECTURE: The New Republican Congress and American Foreign Policy

On February 27th, Dr. Max Hilaire gave a fascinating talk at UNYP regarding the new Republican congress in the United States and its potential effect on American foreign policy.   Dr. Hilaire’s blend of encyclopedic knowledge and insightful sense of humor gave the audience of students and faculty knowledge as well as a refreshing perspective on […]

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UNYP Students who won the CFA Research Challenge 2015 officially announced at the 13th Annual CFA Society FORECASTING DINNER 2015

The team of UNYP students who won the CFA Research Challenge 2015 in the Czech Republic were honored and officially announced during the CFA Society FORECASTING DINNER 2015 held at the Czech National Bank on Friday 19th of February.  Marek Jindra, the President, of CFA Society Czech Republic gave the Welcome Speech. Keynote speakers of the […]

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UNYP goes Greener!!!

Since 2008 UNYP has established a recycling policy throughout the university recycling paper and plastic.  For this to happen special bins were placed all over our premises and special arrangements were also made with a recycling company. Taking a step further and starting January 2015 we initiated a cooperation with ASEKOL, a company recycling small […]

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Back to the Middle Ages

Todd Nesbitt Chair of Communication and Mass Media  In a remarkable speech in Stuttgart 25 years ago, NYU professor Neil Postman cited George Orwell in declaring that people in 1990 are just as naïve as those who lived in the Middle Ages.  Borrowing Orwell’s 1940s observation to describe the dangers of the information age, he […]

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Did Playtime Make you Smarter?

Dr. Judith Gerardi Professor, Empire State College SUNY Playtime is a vital and integral part of psychological development. It is not trivial or a waste of time.  We know that play is fun and that enjoyment is an essential part of life. Most of us, however, have never stopped to think about its significance in […]

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UNYP/ESC students win CFA Research Challenge 2015

Tanweer Ali, M.A. Business Administration Faculty Investment analysts are influential people. They are often sought by the media to comment on all manner of news stories, and their recommendations to buy, sell or hold shares of a company move financial markets – and they have the ear of most corporate chief executives. But what exactly […]

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Studenti z UNYP vyhráli CFA Research Challenge 2015!

Tým pěti studentů z UNYP se zúčastnil a následně vyhrál prestižní CFA Research Challenge 2015. Tým pěti studentů z UNYP se zúčastnil a následně vyhrál prestižní CFA Research Challenge 2015. Toto je třetí rok v řadě, kdy studenti z UNYP tuto cenu vyhráli a porazili tak týmy z Univerzity Karlovy, Vysoké školy ekonomické, Anglo-americké university […]

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UNYP at Gaudeamus Fair in Prague

UNYP participated for another year at the Gaudeamus Fair in Prague.  UNYP students represented the university and shared their educational experience with hundreds of future students along with the Admissions Advisors. The visitors were very interested and discussed in detail their study options offered at UNYP as well as their future academic and career plans.

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