At what price? The high cost of terror – phobia

Author: William B. Cohn, J.D.  Position: Business Administration Faculty There was much head-scratching at the 2014 Forum 2000 Conference on “Democracy and its Discontents,” held in the Czech Republic October 12-15, 2014. Panelists bemoaned resurgent authoritarianism, decline of civil liberties/human rights, loss of respect for law, and foolish foreign policy. How could this be when […]

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Sick or ill, or both? Using a corpus for investigating meaning

Author: Dr. Tess Slavíčková Position: Communication and Mass Media Faculty I am fairly sure that all of us at UNYP consider ourselves learners of at least one foreign language. In that case we are no doubt all familiar with the problem of not just learning new words, but learning how to use them properly. I […]

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Fred Williams: How to Sabotage a Project

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014, Fred Williams, owner of Williams Technical, provided another installment of the UNYP/CVUT entrepreneurship lecture series.  Fred’s talk centered on the intentional or unintentional acts that cause great damage, usually at very low cost, and very low risk.   Sabotage has varied etymological theories, from the Dutch shoes being thrown into machinery to […]

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UNYP´s rector, Dr. Andreas Antonopoulos, participated in a networking event organized by Wayra, the startup accelerator of the Spanish telecommunications provider Telefónica. Dr. Antonopoulos gave a short speech about the cooperation between Wayra and UNYP. He mentioned involvement of UNYP´s students in Wayra and the support that UNYP gives to students to become an active part of global […]

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48 Hour Film Project

During the first September weekend, a group of UNYP students decided to take on a seemingly impossible task: write, shoot and edit a movie in 48 hours.  The group calls itself Color:Blind and despite being rather diverse, it succeeded in working very well together and producing and submitting an eligible entry for the 48 Hour Film Project […]

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New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is a series of social and academic events for students to help them with a successful transition from high school to university. It is also an important time for forming relationships with classmates, staff and other members of the UNYP community. NSO Fall 2014 started today.

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The Intangibles

Author: Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CFA Position: Professor and Entrepreneurship Center Director Sometimes, students surprise you. In addition to specific subject matter, it’s always nice to try to instill some of the intangibles in a classroom experience; things like responsibility, ambition, creativity, critical thinking, and leadership.   Arguably these things are more important to professional success […]

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Academic Honesty in Multi-cultural Environments

Author: Óscar Hidalgo-Redondo, MPhil Position: Chair of International and Economic Relations With the summer finishing and the beginning of classes so close, the academic community prepares for the challenges of a new academic year. The University of New York in Prague will be receiving students from over fifty countries and this is one the aspects […]

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UNYP has moved to the new Campus

We have moved to a new location! Our new location is Londýnská 41 in Vinohrady (Prague 2), just a few minutes’ walk from our old location. Starting this Fall, most classes will be held in the new building, which will provide more comfort to students and lecturers as well as UNYP´s administrative staff.  Classrooms are […]

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UNYP’s Entrepreneurship Center lecture series

On Thursday, September 18, 2014, Jeff Medeiros joined the entrepreneurs at CVUT’s InovaJet business incubator to discuss a few principles of B2B sales and logistics, as another installment of UNYP’s Entrepreneurship Center lecture series in cooperation with CVUT and Inovacentrum. The talk was planned for an hour, but everyone stayed for two.  One by one, Mr. Medeiros spoke with […]

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