UNYP Graduation Ceremony 2014

On June 27 2014, the Graduation Ceremony for students at UNYP took place in the magnificent, Žofín Palace in Prague.  UNYP Graduation Ceremony 2014 from University of New York in Prague on Vimeo. The keynote speaker at this year’s graduation event was Merodie A. Hancock, Ph.D., President of Empire State College,  State University of New York. In addition, Congratulatory […]

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Czech job portal features UNYP´s Communication and Mass Media program

Where will you get the practical skills needed for your future career? According to jobs.cz, the biggest job portal in the Czech Republic, one good option is to study Communication and Mass Media at the University of New York in Prague.  Job.cz recently featured UNYP´s Communication and Mass Media program among six interesting and practically […]

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Roundtable on Media Ownership

On 12 August at Grobova Villa in Prague-Vinohrady a roundtable discussion was held on Media Ownership moderated by Dr. Todd Nesbitt, Chair of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at UNYP. The debate was hosted by the Prague Freedom Foundation and the NGO Zaostreno as part of a professional development program for emerging young […]

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UNYP is moving to the new Campus !!!

We have moved to a new Campus! Our new location is Londýnská 41 in Vinohrady (Prague 2), just a few minutes’ walk from our old location.  Starting this Fall most classes will be held in the new building, which will provide more comfort to students and lecturers as well as to the UNYP administrative staff. […]

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University of New York in Tirana Graduation Ceremony with Keynote Speaker the Ambassador of USA in Albania

On Friday, July 11, 2014 at Sheraton Hotel, the University of New York Tirana celebrated its 9th Graduation Ceremony sending tens of bachelors, masters and law students into the world. The keynote speaker of the ceremony was H.E. Mr. Alexander A. Arvizu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Albania […]

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UNYP graduate Ivana Zakova speaks to Czech Television about Millenial Buzz

UNYP graduate, Ivana Zakova speaks to Czech Television about Millenial Buzz, a Social Community for Millennials by Millennials, launched as part of the Social Media Marketing class taught by Mark Anderson. The interview was broadcast on CT24 on @online, a program devoted to social media and the Internet. UNYP graduate, Ivana Zakova speaks to Czech […]

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Dan Fiala attended CEEMAN’s International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) in Slovenia

Dan Fiala, Lecturer at University of New York in Prague, has successfully completed the International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) held in Bled, Slovenia from 8-20 June 2014.  University of New York in Prague (UNYP) pays special attention to professional development of its faculty, and IMTA plays an important role in it. Dan is already the […]

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Annual La Salle Alumni Gathering Held

The last Thursday in June of 2014 again saw a gathering of both the successful graduates and the hard-working current Professional and Business Communication Master’s students in Prague.  The annual event, held since 2004, brings together past and present students for a friendly chat, and often networking purposes. Former classmates caught up on the life […]

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Graduation Ceremony 2014

Author: Andreas Antonopoulos, M.Eng., MBA, Ph.D. Position: Rector of University of New York in Prague On June 27 2014, the Graduation Ceremony for students at UNYP took place in the magnificent, Žofín Palace in Prague.  The keynote speaker at this year’s graduation event was Merodie A. Hancock, Ph.D., President of Empire State College,  State University of New […]

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Global Ethics and Nonviolence

Author: Dr. Charles Webel Position: Guarantor of the IER program at UNYP The idea of a “global ethics” is as old as philosophical and religious ethics, and dates back to at least the 5th-century BCE. Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, among others, asserted the existence of such universally desirable values as virtue, fortitude, […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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