The Albanian Prime Minister, Mr. Edi Rama, visited University of New York in Tirana

Hundreds of UNYT students and graduates welcomed the Prime Minister of Albania in an open meeting on June 9, 2014.  After a warm speech by the President of NYC Group and UNYP, Mr. Elias Foutsis, students structured and presented their own questions to Mr. Edi Rama. The questions were based upon the contemporary issues that […]

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UNYP 2014 Alumni Reunion at Cloud 9 Sky Bar on May 30

The 3rd UNYP Alumni Reunion took place at the Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge in the Hotel Hilton Prague, on Friday, May 30, 2014. UNYP had the opportunity to welcome alumni from all its undergraduate and graduate programs, with around 350 alumni, faculty and partners attending the reunion.  For some, it was their first time back […]

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UNYP participated in NAFSA’s 2014 Annual Conference in San Diego

UNYP participated in NAFSA’s 2014 Annual Conference in San Diego, California this past May.  As the NAFSA website puts it, “The NAFSA annual conference brings together more than 8,400 professionals in the field of international education for five packed days of training workshops, educational sessions, networking opportunities, and special events.” UNYP met with our international […]

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University of New York in Prague sponzorovala 6. ročník soutěže Formule 1 na střední škole

Na začátku června se urkutečnilo finále soutěže Formule 1 středních škol, které se konalo v plzeňském Techmania Science Center. Čtrnáct týmů, včetně jednoho týmu ze Slovenska a dvou týmů z Polska soutěžilo v Plzni o hlavní cenu. Zúčastněné týmy se museli  registrovat, ústně prezentovat svůj projekt, úspěšně projít technickou kontrolu a presentovat svůj marketingový plán […]

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Studenti ze SUNY Plattsburgh a Colorada na návštěvě UNYP

UNYP přivítal studenty ze tří amerických univerzit dne 26. května. Studenti se setkali se zástupci studentské rady a zaměstnnaci UNYP. Více než 50 studentů různorodých oborů jako mezinárodní podnikání, výtvarné a múzické umění pocházeli z Texas Tech University, State University of New York v Plattsburgh a Colorado State University. Studenti si užili tradiční české občerstvení, […]

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“Career Advancement Beyond Your MBA” – Petra Grabmayer talks to the University of New York in Prague

June 3rd, 2014 – Prague, Czech Republic – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 52 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, organized the first event of the Career Advancement Series jointly with the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) on 29 May, 2014. The Career Advancement Series is a project to help managers, MBA students and […]

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For Millennials by Millennials: Millennial Buzz delivers sizzling job tips to help build your first career!

Millennial Buzz is a new online social community designed to equip recent graduates and Millennials just starting their careers or looking for their first job or internship.  Millennial Buzz (MB) is created by Millennials for Millennials.  MB was developed by 13 international students from the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) as part of the core curriculum […]

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Psychology Research Student Symposium to become a tradition!

The Psychology Department at the University of New York in Prague held the second annual International Student Symposium. Undergraduate and graduate students were invited to present their original research in a collegial atmosphere. A high level of scholarship was reflected in posters and presentations authored by psychology and media students from the University of New York […]

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Swimming with sharks

Author: Jan Boleslavský Stefan Engeseth is one of the most creative speakers in Europe and he is also the author of several successful books about marketing and entrepreneurship like Sharkonomics, Detective Marketing and One. Since 2014, Stefan Engeseth is also a lecturer on the prestigious MBA program at the University of New York in Prague, where […]

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The Security Trap

Author: Bill Cohn, J.D.  Position: Attorney, Lecturer of law, ethics and critical thinking at UNYP A colleague asked me not long ago, “What are the greatest challenges to security today?” Having thought about it for a few weeks now, here is my answer: “Security” is an ambiguous term, which in public policy debate is used by […]

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