So What Do We Know about Social Media? La Salle Communication professors try to provide some answers

Authors: La Salle Communication professors Have you Yik Yakked yet? Is Facebook (mostly) dead? If a company tweets and nobody retweets did it have an impact?  Without question, social media has transformed the communication landscape. But, much as the utopian promises made with other new media forms, the reality of social media doesn’t quite live up […]

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Kevin M. Capuder přijal akreditaci jménem UNYP na sedm let od IACBE

Mezinárodní shromáždění kolegia pro obchodní vzdělávání (IACBE) pořádala 8. -11.dubna svou výroční konferenci a jednání zastupitelstva v San Diegu v Kalifornii. Na akreditačním večeru 10.dubna IACBE uznal svou akreditaci třídě 2013. Třída se skládá z celkem 22 škol ze 4 zemí, které dosáhly buď první-time akreditace nebo opětovné reakreditace v roce 2013. Kevin M . […]

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Mezinárodní den jídla na UNYP

V neděli 11. května Studentská rada uspořádala Mezinárodní den jídla na UNYP. Zástupci 8 zemí připravili různé národní pokrmy, které mohli studenti během dne ochutnat. Zastoupenými zeměmi byli Ázerbájdžán, Balkán, Česká republika, Moldávie, Jižní Amerika, Ukrajina, USA, a Uzbekistán. Akce se zúčastnilo více než 40 studentů během tří hodinové akce.

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Invitation to UNYP Alumni Reunion to be held on May 30, 2014

Dear alumni, You are cordially invited to attend the 2014 Alumni Reunion that will be held at the Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge in the Hotel Hilton Prague, on Friday, May 30, 2014.  All the graduates of all our programs, bachelor’s, master’s and MBA’s are invited to join us on this special occasion. Once again, […]

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The UNYP Pulse Lecture Series Presents: The Foreign Policy of Pakistan and its Role in International Relations with H.E. Mr. Tajammul Altaf Ambassador of Pakistan to the Czech Republic

UNYP Pulse lecture series will continue with the presence of another diplomat. On the 6th of May,  H.E. Mr. Tajammul Altaf, Ambassador of Pakistan to the Czech Republic will be guest speaker on this popular lecture serie. erved at the Headquarters as the Section Officer (1983-1985 & 1990-1991) and as Director (1992 & 1999-2001). He has […]

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UNYP/CVUT/ Inovacentrum Entrepreneurship Lecture Series: Dr. Massimiliano Pastore presented seminar Legal aspects of starting a business

On Friday, April 25, 2014, international attorney Massimiliano Pastore provided an hour of discussion on the legal aspects of starting a business for the April contribution to the UNYP/CVUT/Inovacentrum entrepreneurship lecture series as part of UNYP’s newly formed Entrepreneurship Center.   He has practiced law since 2003 and has been advising investors on several high profile […]

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Diplomats visit UNYP

Two diplomats, H.E. Mrs Michèle Pranchère-Tomassini, Ambassador of the Grand-Duche de Luxembourg to the Czech Republic, Estonia and Ukraine and Dr. Jiri Vogl, head of the department of Head of Department of Relations with International Organisations and non-member States of the Council of Europe visited UNYP and addressed our academic community about the latest developments […]

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Dr. Marek Preiss, klinický psycholog a profesor z University of New York in Prague byl hostem CT

Kolik druhů lidské inteligence existuje? A mohou být nějak změřeny?  PhDr. Marek Preiss, Ph.D., lektor z University of New York in Prague, se těmito otázkami zabýval v rámci pořadu České Televize, Nejchytřejší Čech. 17.4.2014 – Dr. Marek Preiss, Clinical Psychologist and Professor from UNYP: About intelligence – Types of Intelligence from University of New York in Prague on Vimeo.

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Workshop “YES, YOU SHOULD” at UNYP

On Tuesday, April 15, Mr Lukas Sedlacek, director of the European Leadership & Academic Institute, the organizer of the seminar and Mr Milan Bruncvik, gradute of the Cambridge University and a business analyst at KPMG Czech Republic, delivered a talk about the reasons why students should not be afraid of applying to prestigious Universities such […]

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Studies at Cambridge and work in the City of London? Yes, it is possible and UNYP graduate is proof of that

Author: Petr Rieger Petr Rieger ,,My main and very straightforward advice is to never stop studying and working hard.“  1) Peter, you are a graduate of bachelor program in Business Administration. What did studying at UNYP give you? Besides the development of my business English and other communication and presentation skills, I learned many soft skills […]

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