From UNYP to Silicon Valley

In an article written by Alice Andryzková on March 23rd for Mladá Fronta Dnes, University of New York in Prague alumni, Tomáš Kubica, discusses his decision to pursue a career in business. As a young boy he wanted to be a bus driver, conservationist or a fireman. Many years later he decided to study business. […]

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Learning as an attitude

As an educator, I often have the opportunity to reflect on learning. It is my goal, and that of all my colleagues at the University of New York in Prague, to help our students to learn and be better prepared to face the challenges that they will encounter in their lives. In my role as […]

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Watch your words: their impact is bigger than you may think

How do you get into a better mood? How long do you allow yourself to feel negative? Did you know that you can influence the duration of your frustration? If you do not want to wallow in negative emotions for a long time, I will give you some tips on how you can improve your […]

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Measuring Integrity: European Congress of Psychology

Two UNYP alumni  (Tereza Mejzlíková and Jindra Marková /Pitáková/), statistician Jana Maliňáková from NÚDZ and UNYP professor (Marek Preiss) are preparing presentations for the European Congress of Psychology, which will be held in Amsterdam, July 2017. They will present three lectures, the first one on integrity and related constructs based upon the study of blue-collar […]

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Trends that will shape 2017

It is getting increasingly more difficult to outline trends for the next ten or twenty years, but thanks to the world’s growing interconnection it is now easier to determine what is in store for us in the short term. Here are ten trends which might shape 2017 as defined by the Havas communication agency, brought […]

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UNYP alumnus takes Czech homes off the grid

Pavel Podruh was living in the fast lane when he was in his late 20s. He had graduated from University of New York in Prague with bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and International Management and was splitting his time between singing in a fairly successful band and acting as a brand manager for Gambrinus Excelent. Then something snapped. “Suddenly it […]

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Career advice you need from our alum’s new blog

Many university graduates will tell you that they wish they had someone they could’ve turned to in their adolescence and early 20s for career advice. Maybe it was when they were in high school and started wondering about college. Maybe it was when they were already at university studying Business Administration or Marketing and thinking about their first professional […]

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UNYP obhájil titul Superbrands

University of New York in Prague získala již podruhé v řadě prestižní marketingové ocenění, Superbrands 2017. Každý rok ocení mezinárodní experti ze světa byznysu, komunikace, marketingu a mnoha dalších oborů hodnotí značky na základě několika kritérií jako je pověst a povědomí o značce. Pokud se jednotlivé značky po sečtení bodů dostanou na požadovanou hranici, experti […]

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UNYP featured in Handelsblatt: shaping the future of the booming Czech economy

On 25th November 2016, the German business newspaper Handelsblatt published an article about UNYP entitled “Very close to the east,” by Hans-Peter Siebenhaar. This article summarizes the main points. For several years, the University of New York in Prague has provided students with the ideal combination of education and networking to pursue high-powered careers. A truly international education […]

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How to avoid burnout

Radek Ptacek, a psychologist and lecturer at the University of New York in Prague has accepted an invitation to a popular talk show called “Show Jana Krause” where he talked about today’s very widespread problem of burnout. According to his words, burnout syndrome has an advantage for people, because they understand it. A man knows […]

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