Why we do what we do?

Why do we decide in certain situations the way we do? Why someone becomes a workaholic and someone would be “bohem” his whole life? What drives our actions, emotions and even the quality of our life? The answer can be found in the six human needs we all aim to fulfill in different ways. The […]

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The Business of Ingress

A man stands in front of modern sculpture near the entrance to Bratislava’s Eurovia shopping center. He stares at his smart phone, alternately reading, drawing, pressing the screen, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. After about five minutes, he resolutely sets off towards the wall of the shopping center, stopping about 20m away from his previous position. In […]

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The Year of Fear

In October I was at a small, intimate, concert (capacity 150) by a band originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina that I used to listen to and became friendly with over the years. It was a comeback tour show, promoting a comeback record, they used to have a fair following in Europe a decade or […]

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UNYP creates a framework for the Czech Republic’s booming economy

The University of New York located in Prague for several years and its graduate students who have no problems finding very good jobs. Bloom in the East The University of New York in Prague constitutes one of the best private schools in the Czech Republic says Bernard Bauer (Director of the German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and […]

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UNYP’s new exchange partner – Tarleton State University

UNYP was honored to host distinguished guests from Tarleton State University (US) on 8 December in Prague. Prof. Alex del Carmen, Executive Director of the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Strategic Studies at Tarleton, and Prof. Tara O’Connor Shelley, Director of the Institute of Criminal Justice Leadership & Public Policy, met with UNYP’s General Manager Sotiris […]

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5 Great Study Tips for Finals Week

The winter exams are upon us. As University of New York in Prague students prepare for their Final Exams of the Fall Semester, we wanted to give you a few tips to help with your studying. With much of the world preparing for a fortnight of fun and festivities, it might not seem the ideal time to […]

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Představujeme La Salle Strategickou komunikaci, magisterský program na UNYP!

Stejná skvělá škola, úplně nové zaměření UNYP s potěšením oznamuje opětovné spuštění našeho, dnes již legendárního, komunikačně zaměřeného magisterského programu, který funguje ve spolupráci s La Salle University of Philadelphia. Na podzim 2017 bude program spuštěn v podobě 15 měsíčního magisterského studia oboru Strategická komunikace, jednoho z nejvyhledávanějších studijních oborů dnešního digitálního věku. Strategická komunikace se zaměřuje […]

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Hlasujte pro jednoho z osmi finalistů!

Studenti ze všech koutů České republiky dostali možnost zaslat nám kreativní fotku své třídy a vyhrát tak 25 000 Kč k tomu, aby se jejich maturitní ples stal nezapomenutelným zážitkem. Vybrali jsme nejlepších osm finalistů. Teď nám můžete pomoci s rozhodnutím, kdo z nich získá peníze na maturitní ples. Stačí si vybrat fotku, která vás […]

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Skip town this holiday

When you study abroad, there are times when you’ll find yourself opting for a holiday getaway instead of the familiar hometown celebration. Why not? Part of the reason you decided to study in Prague in the first place was to experience rich cultural traditions of other countries. Whether you’re studying Business Adminsitration or Communications & Mass Media, everyone needs […]

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’Tis the season to celebrate in Prague

Before November was over, the garlands were going up and the holiday decorations were appearing in store windows. Sometimes, the best part of studying abroad is witnessing a familiar holiday through a new cultural lens. Here’s a look at some of the best, and most interesting holiday events in Prague.  Christmas Markets By far, the biggest appeal of […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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