Graduation Ceremony 2016

The University of New York in Prague held its 15th annual graduation ceremony, Friday, June 24th at Palác Žofín. More than 150 graduates from 40 different countries received degrees from UNYP and our partner universities, the State University of New York, Empire State College, National American University, and Le Salle University.  Graduates earned degrees in Business Administration, Communications […]

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Terror vs. Terror: The Global War on Terrorism… 15 Years and Counting

On September 11, 2001, nineteen men hijacked four passenger jets and carried out attacks that killed almost 3,000 people in the United States, demonstrating the vulnerability of powerful nations to massive attacks by small groups of violent extremists. This shocking example of “asymmetric warfare” between powerful nations and sub-national adversaries was an appropriate wake-up call […]

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Congratulations Class of 2016 on your Next Step

We are proud to announce that the Commencement Ceremony of 2016 will be held at the glorious Palác Žofín on Friday 24 June 2016.  Dear class of 2016, More than 150 of you, our most diligent graduates, will soon join the ranks of our successful Alumni. Graduation from a university is a major milestone and proof […]

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Address from the UNYP President to the Graduating Class of 2016

Another year has passed and the class of 2016 is ready to set sail on a long and great journey. The 15th UNYP Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Palác Žofín this Friday already. On behalf of our faculty members, I would like to congratulate our graduating students on the completion of their educational paths.  […]

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University of New York in Prague je Superbrandem roku 2016

University of New York in Prague získala prestižní celosvětové ocenění Business Superbrands 2016. Tento titul udělují odborníci za mimořádné výsledky značky na poli obchodu. O vítězi rozhodují takové faktory jako známost značky, inovace, prestiž, obchodní výsledky, ale i kvalita brandu jako takového. UNYP již od roku 1998 zprostředkovává špičkové vysokoškolské vzdělání v anglickém jazyce. Univerzita […]

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Texas Tech returns to UNYP and visited the ExxonMobil Business Support Center Czechia s.r.o.

The alliance between Texas Tech University’s (TTU) Rawls College of Business and the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) began in 2003 and has grown much stronger over the years because the two universities share a mutual goal of expanding their respective global footprints.  Over the last 13 years, more than 250 Texas Tech […]

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Positive thinking: feed the good wolf

I am a big fan of positive psychology and positive thinking, since I personally believe that looking on the bright side of life is definitely more beneficial than dwelling on the negative stuff, thoughts and events.  And I would like to share something about positive thinking with you in this article.  First of all, I […]

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Behind the name: McDonald’s

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, was a branding genius even though he never went to college or received any kind of formal business education.  He realized that communication is the most effective way for people to respond to brand awareness. He was in his 50’s when he developed the McDonald’s fast-food concept, and when he […]

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Brexit, Grexit and the Donald

Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, any member state has the right to withdraw from the European Union. Should the U.K. vote on June 23rdto withdraw, it would likely wish to retain the free trade area relationship and the free movement of capital. Notification to the European Council after the vote would start the […]

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UNYP has been re-accredited by the British Accreditation Council

We are proud to announce that the British Accreditation Council (BAC) has re-accredited our University. After very careful examination in April, we received the certificate and confirmation from the BAC that UNYP has been re-accredited for an additional four years. We are very pleased to see that our high standards remain unchanged and we are […]

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