Professor Spotlight: Dr. Michaela Slusareff

The faculty of the University of New York in Prague participates in collaborative scientific ventures all over the world. Our educators are visionaries and thought pioneers who provide exceptional instruction, and their research informs their teaching, brings imaginative concepts into the classroom, and motivates UNYP students to achieve the highest results.  Dr. Michaela Slussareff teaches sociology […]

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How can your university prepare you for future employment?

We often hear business leaders and analytics express disappointment about the unfortunate gap between what students learn at higher education establishments and what they are expected to know to be job-ready. In an age of unpredictable changes and constant evolution in the job market, it is hard to argue that the traditional knowledge acquired during […]

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Do You Fear Speaking in Public?

How many of us have a fear of speaking in public?  The word “speaking” is easy enough to understand, but the word “public” is a little more complex in the equation.  Public can be anything from a one-on-one conversation with a friend to speaking in front of thousands at the Rose Bowl. Alhough some theorists […]

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He thinks, she thinks; she thinks, he thinks

Ever get the feeling that you are being misjudged as a student? That the cards are stacked against you? That you are being falsely accused of inappropriate behavior? Taking the other side’s perspective into consideration is one key to success. We asked some communication and media faculty about typical differences of perspective on sticky issues between professors […]

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Two-way communication yields better results in studies

When making the transition from high school to university education, students are often hyper-aware that they are studying towards a major which could have a huge impact on their future . Combining this awareness with the fact that you may be studying with professors who are already successful in your chosen field, and with a student-educator […]

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Czech born terrorist made of fake news

Last summer, when visiting family in Canada, I found it rather curious that Grandma was spending a great deal of time alone in a separate room ‘on the internet’. In the beginning it seemed rather amusing: this woman in her mid-seventies, barely computer-literate (earlier during our stay, I gave up after about 15 minutes of […]

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UNYP program Komunikace a média obdržel 10-ti letou akreditaci!

Jsme hrdí na to, že Ministerstvo školství ČR udělilo desetiletou akreditaci (zákonem povolený maximální počet let) UNYP programu Komunikace a média. Tato úspěšná akreditace je výsledkem našeho odhodlání poskytovat vysoce kvalitní vzdělávání a vytvářet nejlepší příležitosti pro naše studenty a absolventy. UNYP program Komunikace a média je navržen tak, aby pomohl našim studentům rozvíjet efektivní komunikační techniky, které mohou být […]

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Proč jsem si vybral studium na UNYP

Když si vybíráte mezi soukromou a státní univerzitou, musíte zvážit několik faktorů, cenou studia počínaje, prestiží a formou studia konče. Hospodářské noviny vyzpovídali Martina Pavlíčka, výkonného ředitele Havas PR, o jeho zkušenostech na University of New York in Prague. Martin nejprve na UNYP vystudoval bakalářský obor Komunikace a masová média a poté zde dokončil i magisterský program […]

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Students switch off to switch on

I see it over and over again – my students showing up to class in the middle of a personal crisis. Granted, I teach freshmen, so perhaps that should be no surprise. The stress and drama of adjusting to university, compounded by a seemingly chaotic world, without boundaries, defined by an amorphously digital existence – […]

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Media Literacy in Czech Schools: Healing a Broken Promise

Results of research among students executed by the MEDIAN research agency earlier this year showed that the majority of Czech middle school students have a low level of media literacy.  Their knowledge of how social media and internet search engines work is limited, and almost half are unable to differentiate between paid advertisements and authentic journalism. Despite […]

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