How social media changes our perception of reality

Lona Moutafidou teaches the courses “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” and “Trauma Narratives” at UNYP. Lacan’s mirror stage theory, briefly discussed in this article, forms part of the theoretical components of the “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” syllabus. How does an ancient philosophical allegory intersect with a psychoanalytic concept from the 1960s? How could this inform social media usage? […]

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A short commentary on the U.S. presidential election

However interesting the 2016 U.S. presidential election was, this year’s match between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has already, to coin a phrase, trumped it. In this short commentary, I will highlight two things that have, in my opinion, been discussed less than they would deserve, at least on this side of the Atlantic. Firstly, […]

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Participatory art projects turn viewers into co-creators

I would like to introduce my readers to art projects that involve the audience in one way or another. Such participatory projects have been gaining more and more ground; we live in times of great social, humanitarian, political, and environmental challenges, and artists have an important role to play in bringing these challenges to the […]

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Dr. Sheila Marie Aird and Dr. Tom Mackey discuss online teaching and their collaborative Digital Storytelling course

In the article, The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how, the World Economic Forum argues that, “Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom” due to the coronavirus pandemic. During this unprecedented time, „education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital […]

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UNYP spouští ve spolupráci s University of Bolton nový magisterský program „Strategická komunikace“

Po téměř dvouletém výzkumu, důkladném plánování a intenzivní spolupráci s významnými partnery UNYP společně s University of Bolton oficiálně spouští nový magisterský program specializovaný na „Strategickou komunikaci“.  Pokud Vaše plány pro tento akademický rok kvůli omezeným možnostem cestovat nebo náhlým změnám v zaměstnání nevyšly a Vy přemýšlíte co s časem od konce října, velmi rádi Vás uvítáme na UNYPu v našem zbrusu […]

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5 Ways to Manage Your Coronavirus Anxieties

Well, by now I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Coronavirus (it was in all the newspapers!) In fact, I doubt that any other topic in recent memory has captured the attention of the world’s peoples in such a universal and negative manner. In the minds of most people, the news coming from almost all […]

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Great news for UNYP partner: the University of Bolton leaps 36 places in the 2021 Guardian league tables

UNYP is the Czech Republic’s largest and most prominent English-speaking higher education institution. Over 800 students from over 60 countries and an international group of instructors form a diverse educational community. Our faculty, many of whom are native English speakers, currently number 125 professors and lecturers from over 25 countries. UNYP is proud of its […]

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Virus, jeho léčba a úloha politické filozofie

Většina velkých filozofických teorií vznikla v obdobích krize. Velci světoví filozofové často přicházeli s převratnými myšlenkami v nelehkých časech, v časech velkých změn. Myslitelé jako byli Platón, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke nebo Rousseau – to je jen hrstka autorů, kterým se věnujeme v rámci kurzu „Klasičtí autoři politické teorie“.  I když je politická filozofie jeden z mých nejoblíbenějších předmětů vůbec, musím přiznat, […]

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Sotiris Foutsis to the Class of 2020

On behalf of the University of New York in Prague family, I extend sincere congratulations and best of luck to the Class of 2020! You have been exceptional representatives of the UNYP community, and I am confident that you will continue to serve as valuable ambassadors of our university by building upon our reputation for excellence. […]

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UNYP President’s Message to the Class of 2020

Congratulations, graduates of the University of New York in Prague, class of 2020! Your talent, leadership, and commitment are needed now more than ever, as our global society navigates a new reality. There have been challenging events in modern history that some people thought we could not recover from, but we did. This pandemic is no […]

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