Observations of Growth amidst a Pandemic

At the beginning of the operating restrictions set in place for universities in the Czech Republic, I had doubts and concerns as to how UNYP would successfully transition to online learning and how the students would fare in this transition. With the Spring semester finished and movement restrictions now lifting within the Czech Republic, there […]

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Sázka na jistotu: Komunikace, média a kariéra

Jednou z největších lekcí pro kariérní poradce po poslední velké ekonomické krizi v letech 2007 až 2009 bylo zjištění, že odvětví komunikace a médií se dopady hospodářského útlumu dotkly jen velmi okrajově. Bude to platit i v roce 2020 a 2021 při sčítání škod koronavirové krize? Všichni trávíme spoustu času před obrazovkami, které nám zprostředkovávají mediální masáž daty o celosvětovém zvyšování míry […]

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How to Deal With Cabin Fever

How are you coping with the coronavirus lockdown? Great, isn’t it!? A wonderful time to catch up on chores, backlogged reading and writing assignments, or personal relationships?  No?  You mean you don’t like being sequestered away for weeks or months at a time, under unpleasant circumstances, or even with people you don’t like?  Well…It’s not for everyone. […]

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UNYP zkoumá možnosti využití virtuální reality ve výuce

University of New York in Prague udělala pod vlivem okolností posledních měsíců velký kus práce v rámci transformace výuky z kampusu do online prostředí. Navzdory závažnosti situace zvítězila snaha pomoci našim studentům ukončit semestr a podpořit je ve studiu bez ohledu na to, kde na světě se zrovna nacházeli. Většina standardních služeb byla převedena do online verzí. Nadále fungovala […]

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From the Desk of Dr. Aird: Open letter to the SUNY Empire and UNYP community

From the Desk of Dr. Aird Open letter to the SUNY Empire and UNYP community As I take time to reflect, I continue to consider how we started this semester and where we are at this moment in time. We were all shaken to our core with this unknown, including but not limited to concern […]

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Emerging paradigms of hope

As I write these thoughts, we collectively co-exist in the unsettling and unending chaos of COVID-19. This global, invisible enemy leaves illness and death in its seemingly indiscriminate wake, with little freedom of movement or from fear. Our collective and individual responses might depend on where we live (the geographic lottery), what natural supports we […]

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Zaměřeno na studenty: Michal Pažák

U studentů není výjimkou, že po prvním semestru nebo dokonce celém prvním ročníku studia změní školu, na které studují. Než najdete ten správný program, někdy to trochu trvá, zvlášť, když vám záleží na kvalitě studia, které by vám mělo umožnit uvolnit veškerý váš skrytý potenciál. V tomto příspěvku jsme si povídali s Michalem Pažákem, kapitánem slovenského […]

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The complexity and authenticity of Africa

I lecture at several universities in the Czech Republic and abroad, and teach multiple courses that are related to Africa in one way or another (for instance, at UNYP I teach African Politics and Society). People frequently ask me “why Africa?” and this complex question requires a complex response. I believe that as human beings, we […]

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UNYP Affairs: Interview with UNYP’s Rector, Dr. Andreas Antonopoulos

Although the University of New York in Prague is physically closed for the duration of the Czech national quarantine for COVID-19, we were able to talk to Dr. Andreas Antonopoulos, the Rector of UNYP, about the university’s current situation, as well as the start of a new MBA collaboration with GEA College (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Dr. Antonopoulos teaches Entrepreneurship-related courses in UNYP’s MBA programs.  In the early […]

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Professor Spotlight: Claude Varley

The professors who teach in the University of New York in Prague’s programs are our most valuable asset. The UNYP MBA offers an unrivalled quality of postgraduate education in Central and Eastern Europe, and provides an opportunity to learn directly from industry leaders, senior executive managers of companies such as Coca-Cola, British Telecom, Volkswagen, Bell Labs and 3M. Our MBA students […]

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Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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