Students switch off to switch on

I see it over and over again – my students showing up to class in the middle of a personal crisis. Granted, I teach freshmen, so perhaps that should be no surprise. The stress and drama of adjusting to university, compounded by a seemingly chaotic world, without boundaries, defined by an amorphously digital existence – […]

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Státní vs soukromá: průzkum odhalil postoje ke vzdělávání

Z nejnovější studie výzkumné agentury STEM/MARK vyplývá, že mladší Češi považují v určitých oblastech privátní univerzity za lepší než univerzity veřejné. Dva ze tří respondentů ve věku 15-29 let oceňují více individuální přístup a více než tři čtvrtiny souhlasí, že studium v angličtině jim dává výhodu při shánění práce po ukončení studia. Naopak ve věkové skupině 45-49 let […]

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Islamophobia in Europe: is the media to blame?

A recently published report by the Pew Research Center documents vast differences across Europe in public attitudes toward Muslims. It is interesting that the proportion of citizens of Central and Eastern European countries who say that they would be willing to accept Muslims as members of their family is considerably lower than in Western Europe. A similar […]

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Media Literacy in Czech Schools: Healing a Broken Promise

Results of research among students executed by the MEDIAN research agency earlier this year showed that the majority of Czech middle school students have a low level of media literacy.  Their knowledge of how social media and internet search engines work is limited, and almost half are unable to differentiate between paid advertisements and authentic journalism. Despite […]

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UNYP expands semester abroad options by joining Erasmus+

What do you imagine first when you hear the word “Erasmus”? Traveling all over Europe? Exploring new places? Meeting new people? Learning and studying in a new language? All this is now available to UNYP students – and financially supported by the European Union. The University of New York in Prague, for the first time […]

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UNYP přijel na brněnský veletrh Gaudeamus metrem

Chtěli jste někdy navštívit New York, ale fyzicky zůstat v České republice? University of New York in Prague (UNYP) přivezla do Brna vagón newyorského metra, červené schody z Time Square a tým učitelů, absolventů a studentů, kteří návštěvníkům představili, proč může být vzdělávání na soukromé škole kvalitnější než na škole státní. Podle průzkumu portálu, provedeného pro […]

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The obstacles of translation

As a professional writer, I work with language and words all day. First, when I write outlines and notes, then writing the first draft, and finally, when I proofread and edit. I work mostly in the Czech language, but I have also written many articles and papers in English. I am an active English speaker […]

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Move or be moved: Insight to Ezra Pound

Communication and Media scholar Jakub Guziur’s latest book is entitled, ‘Ezra Pound in Contemporary (Post) Culture: Images of the Modernist in Artistic Media’. The book consists of a set of essays related to deconstructing images of Pound in the media from the 1950s to the present day. Dr. Nesbitt, Dean of the School of Communication and […]

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8 Tips to Improve Your Academic and Work Focus

Have you ever found yourself faced with an important task but been unable to focus on it long enough or well enough to get it done effectively? Does this happen to you too often for comfort?  Certainly, the occasional inability to concentrate is nothing unusual, but it can be particularly annoying (or even worrisome) if […]

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Is your tablet hurting your child?

Tablets, mobiles, computers – for today’s toddlers, these „toys“ are more common than Lego. „Children are mature enough to work independently with technology only at about the age of fourteen. Only then should they get a kind of digital passport,” says Michaela Slussareff, who teaches sociology and technology-related courses in the Communication and Media major at UNYP, […]

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