First days of uni from the eyes of a professor

If I had to choose my favourite moments in my life as an instructor at the University of New York in Prague, then without doubt I would choose graduation day and the first day of freshman classes. Graduations are obviously a moment of joy and accomplishment, and a celebration of the hard work that students have put […]

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Stories that Won’t Let You Go

In 2016, at the age of 25, Irish writer Oisín Fagan had his first collection of stories, Hostages, published by New Island Books.  August 2018 will see the collection published and distributed throughout Britain and the Commonwealth by Head of Zeus. The collection has sold well, only being denied the number one bestseller position in Ireland […]

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Former Czech Prime Minister, Jan Fischer to address UNYP Graduates

On Friday, June 22nd the University of New York in Prague will hold its 17th annual Graduation Ceremony at Palác Žofín.  The Keynote speaker for the 2018 UNYP Graduation will be the Former Prime Minister of Czech Republic, Jan Fischer. He will address the nearly 150 graduates from more 40 nations, their parents and honored guests. The culmination of […]

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UNYP dosáhl dalšího milníku. Všechny americké programy byly registrovány MŠMT.

UNYP s radostí oznamuje, že české Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy formálně UNYPu poskytnulo povolení v pokračování nabízení programů svých dlouhotrvajících amerických partnerských univerzit: Americké bakalářské programy schváleny Ve spolupráci se State University of New York, Empire State College (USA) Bakalářské programy v: Obchodní administrativě Komunikacích a mediálních studiích Anglickém jazyce a literatuře IT Management Psychologii Americké magisterské programy uznány Ve […]

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UNYP oslavil 20 let ve velkolepém stylu

18. května oslavila University of New York in Prague 20. výročí svého působení, a to v Kongresovém centru Praha v prostorách ZOOM. Tato událost byla vyvrcholením dvaceti let poskytování vynikajícího vzdělání a úspěchu. Akce se zúčastnilo kolem 600 hostů včetně studentů, absolventů, čestných hostů z partnerských univerzit, velvyslanců, diplomatů z celého světa a zástupců českých ministerstev. Akci moderoval jeden […]

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How to boost your energy levels

How often have you had to face a pile of work (whether it be professional tasks or school assignments), but with an energy meter pegged at zero after a long day?  We have all been there – unfortunately, our increasingly hectic schedules make this more and more common.  There may be little that we can […]

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Alumni of the Year to continue as important UNYP tradition

The University of New York in Prague’s 20th Anniversary celebration is very special in itself, however there was one moment during the Gala evening, which brought a new important tradition to life. For the first time ever, UNYP officially announced the winner of the Alumni of the Year Award. The Alumni of the Year Award […]

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Seven steps to realizing your dreams

Have you ever sensed that things are simply not going your way, no matter what you do to make your projects – and your life in general – work as desired?  Are you sometimes at a loss to understand why your efforts come to little effect?  Do you often despair over a feeling that your […]

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Stress of Exams and Unplugging from Distractions

We are only a few weeks away from final exams. Many students are already getting jittery and nervous about how to study and prepare for all the different classes. Being a university student is an opportunity that not everyone is fortunate enough to experience. It is a chance to prepare oneself for the real world, […]

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15 ways the world could end

In day-to-day life, we all navigate a range of risks: each time we cross the road, for example, we face a relatively slight chance of serious injury or death. Some risks are more serious than others, so we devote more of our time and effort to mitigating them. For instance, other things being equal, it […]

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