#WEAREUNYP oslavuje naše studenty

Na Universtity of New York in Prague milujeme naše studenty. A také je podporujeme. Tento rok budou naši studenti sdílet své UNYP příběhy s celým světem. ‘’Chceme ukázat lidem, co je UNYP zač,‘’ říká generální ředitelem UNYP, Sotiris Foutsis. ‘’Je pro nás důležité, abychom studentům ukázali, jaký je život na University of New York in […]

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The Climate Change Battle Heats Up

Since the middle of the 20th century, scientists have warned that human technology and economic “progress” have been disrupting the worldwide carbon cycle, one of many fundamental processes on which life on Earth depends. Sixteen out of the first seventeen years of the 21st century have been the warmest years on record for the planet […]

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Literacy matters: three simple steps for reading effectively

My expertise is in language and literacy. In the United States of America, I had the pleasure of working independently and collaboratively in teams on research projects that aided learning and development for learners to succeed academically. I research in the areas of reading and literacy, and I am interested in more opportunities and possibilities […]

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Výhody externího koučinku

Je váš tým neúspěšný? Jste z vašich výsledků zklamáni? Ukazují grafy výkonnosti výrazný pokles? Je jasné, že udržet se na předních příčkách vyžaduje tým nadšených a oddaných zaměstnanců. Základem jejich školení je identifikace specifických důvodů, které stojí za nedostatečnou výkonností a najití přesných kroků k vyřešení problému. Školení jako výhoda Programy zaměstnaneckých výhod by měly obsahovat možnost […]

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7 Practical Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever been bored?  Have you ever felt as if you were stuck in an excitement “rut” because you believed you were limited in your social skills, or were simply afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone?   Sometimes we all become a bit stressed about where we think we are in terms of being […]

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The Business of Ingress Part II

Niantic, Inc. In late 2015, Google spun off Niantic Labs during its reorganization into the multinational conglomerate Alphabet, Inc. At that time, Google, Nintendo, and the Nintendo-owned Pokemon Company jointly invested USD 30m into Niantic, Inc. Citibank estimated that in July 2016 Niantic was worth around USD 3.65b, and that the company was expected to make USD 740m […]

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The sense of silence

Have you ever wondered what is happening when you don’t get an immediate answer? When the person on the other side is just not responding quickly enough for you? Think about it for a second. Silence can be an entire form of communication – not just a lack of it.  Silence can also be used […]

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The Light and Shadow of the Digital Technologies We Live With – part I

“From today’s perspective, I am amazed at how I could once arrange a date with my girlfriend without a mobile. It seems so difficult and uncomfortable now, almost impossible. Back then it was not only possible, but I did not feel limited at all.” Michael, 40 How would you feel if you had to give […]

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Learning as an attitude

As an educator, I often have the opportunity to reflect on learning. It is my goal, and that of all my colleagues at the University of New York in Prague, to help our students to learn and be better prepared to face the challenges that they will encounter in their lives. In my role as […]

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Watch your words: their impact is bigger than you may think

How do you get into a better mood? How long do you allow yourself to feel negative? Did you know that you can influence the duration of your frustration? If you do not want to wallow in negative emotions for a long time, I will give you some tips on how you can improve your […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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