UNYP announces the top 3 nominees for Alumni of the Year 2020

The University of New York in Prague has always been incredibly proud of our alumni. Every year we celebrate their achievements, and acknowledge and reward an alumnus or alumna with the Alumni of the Year Award. Our dynamic community of more than 3,000 alumni has made a significant impact around the world in business, politics, science, and […]

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Master your diplomacy skills with MUNYP

Last month, the Model United Nations Society At The University of New York in Prague organized a group meeting to discuss the links between capitalism and the global food crisis. MiniMUNYP aims to boost the public speaking, presentation, and argument-forming skills of students at UNYP, using real-world scenarios and problems. By assigning participants a country of their […]

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UNYP Hosts Third Model UN for High Schoolers

This month the University of New York in Prague is proud to host the third International High School Model UN conference, organized by the MUNYP student club. MUNYP emerged nine years ago as a platform for students who are passionate about international relations so that they can debate current global issues. Over the years, MUNYP’s members have shown interest […]

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High schoolers get a taste of the United Nations at MUNYP Conference

Model United Nations Society (MUNYP) at the University of New York in Prague has emerged as an initiative for creating a platform for young students interested in international relations to discuss global current affairs. Since 2011, our society has grown considerably in size, with students showing dedication, passion and enthusiasm in meetings and their increasing interest […]

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MUNYP goes big in 2017/8

The previous Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, once advised the delegates at the Young Atlanticist Summit to: “take ownership of tomorrow, strengthen capacity, widen vision as global citizens.”[1]  Model United Nations conferences give young people exactly this opportunity – to experience UN-style debates, meet with other bright individuals (who may become, or perhaps already are, the movers […]

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UNYP Hosts First Model UN for High Schoolers

On April 1, The Model United Nations Society at UNYP was honored to host their very first Model UN conference aimed at high school students and organised by Arina Rossikhin (4th year, IER/BA) and Anastasia Latenkova (4th year, IER). Among the schools participating were Prague British School, International School of Prague, Deutsche Schule Prag and Pražské Humanitní Gymnázium. The day-long event included […]

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