Exciting Changes and a Fond Farewell at Empire

The past several months have been a time of transition at Empire State University’s European hub in Prague. As the recently appointed Director of European Programs, now in my fifth month in this role, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the energy and possibility that define our academic community. While we look ahead […]

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UNYP Named a Top Rated Degree Abroad Provider by GoAbroad for 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) has been recognized as one of GoAbroad’s Top Rated Degree Abroad Providers of 2024! This prestigious honor is a reflection of UNYP’s unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional educational experiences to students from around the globe. It highlights our dedication to transforming […]

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A Legacy of Diversity, Stability, and Student-Centricity

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) is celebrating 26 years of dedication to delivering a top-tier university experience and education to students from around the globe. Established in 1998 in collaboration with the State University of New York, UNYP has evolved into the largest and leading English-language higher education institution in the Czech […]

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Celebrating Success: June 2024 Bachelor State Exams

In the Czech Republic, the final bachelor exams (commonly known as the state bachelor exams) are a key part of university life, marking the end of years of hard work and dedication. This year, on June 5th and 6th, the UNYP School of International Relations hosted the largest number of candidates in its history, with […]

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Alumni Reunion 2024: Celebrating Our Graduates Success

This month, we had the immense pleasure of hosting our annual alumni reunion, a heartfelt event that brought together past graduates from various fields and generations. It was a day filled with joy, nostalgia, and inspiration as old friends reconnected, new friendships were formed, and countless memories were shared. As an institution, we are incredibly […]

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Mezinárodní týden výuky na UNYP: globální akademická výměna

University of New York in Prague (UNYP) hrdě hostila svůj každoroční International Teaching Week, událost, která svedla dohromady profesory z předních institucí z celého světa. Letos jsme měli tu čest přivítat akademiky z Webster College v Rakousku; univerzita ve Valencii; Evropská univerzita Kypr; a IPAG Business School Paris. Hostováním takových akcí podporujeme mezinárodní spolupráci a […]

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Book of the Month: „Thinking Through Communication“ by Sarah Trenholm

Did you know that through our collaboration with Perlego, the online library, our students have free access to a vast range of books? We’re excited to offer this unique opportunity to enhance your learning experience. As part of this partnership, we’re thrilled to present our Book of the Month, “Thinking Through Communication” by Sarah Trenholm, […]

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What can we learn from the Swiss seniors in protection of our human rights?

In order to answer this question, let’s delve into the details of the case Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. This is a landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (Court) in the intersection of human rights, climate change, and, not least, our daily lives. Four older women and a Swiss association (Verein […]

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Mezinárodní studentské dny psychologie (MSPD) 2024

University of New York in Prague (UNYP) měla ve dnech 4. a 5. dubna 2024 tu čest pořádat 23. ročník akademické soutěže — Mezinárodní studentské psychologické dny (MSPD) 2024. Této prestižní vědecké konference se zúčastnili studenti zapsaní v bakalářských a magisterských studijních programů psychologie. Po celou dobu akce byly prezentovány příspěvky z oborových a fakultních […]

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Série UNYP pulse přednášek

V rychle se vyvíjejícím prostředí vysokoškolského vzdělávání je stále důležitější integrace praktických vzdělávacích příležitostí, které propojují akademické teorie s aplikacemi v reálném světě. University of New York in Prague (UNYP) přijala tento vzdělávací přístup prostřednictvím série přednášek pro hosty, která studentům umožňuje přímou interakci s předními profesionály z různých odvětví. Tato iniciativa nabízí studentům hlubší […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261
E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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