Online learning at UNYP during the COVID-19 outbreak

As you probably know, universities in many countries have taken the decision to shift as much tuition as possible from in-person to remote instruction due to the new coronavirus outbreak. The Czech government has taken precautionary measures to stem the possibility of COVID-19 transmission in public places. As a result, all UNYP courses in the full-time bachelor’s programs will move to remote instruction beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. Due to uncertainty related […]

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Reakce UNYP na dočasné uzavření škol ministerstvem zdravotnictví

Na základě rozhodnutí Ministerstva zdravotnictví České republiky ze dne 10. března 2020 studentům není dovolena přítomnost v prostorách univerzity, včetně University of New York in Prague, a to od 11. března 2020 minimálně do 29. března, kdy bude situace přehodnocena.  Jedná se o preventivní opatření, které má zamezit přenosu viru COVID-19 na veřejných místech.  University of […]

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University of New York in Prague uvítá úspěšné představitele komerčních, společenských, sportovních, kulturních, akademických a právních institucí, kteří se ve tvůrčí diskusi podělí o své zkušenosti a úspěchy, na již pátém pokračování TEDxUNYP. TEDxUNYP je nezávisle organizovaná, oficiálně licencovaná událost TEDx v anglickém jazyce v České republice. Letos se akce přestěhuje do nového divadelního prostoru, […]

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Seminar with BizMachine – public data in B2B Sales & Marketing

Last week on Thursday February 20, we had a great opportunity to welcome Mr. Ondáš at UNYP who had an interactive presentation on the topic of public data and its role in B2B Sales and Marketing.  Mr. Ondáš had a varied career in the software industry in SAP company (Germany, California) and later on in McKinsey & Company as a management consultant. Now, he is […]

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UNYP získala tento rok už popáté ocenění Superbrands

University of New York in Prague získala už popáté prestižní marketingové ocenění Superbrands. Superbrands je největší nezávislý světový arbitr značek, který vznikl před 27 lety a operuje v 89 zemích. Každý rok vyhodnocují mezinárodní experti ze sféry byznysu, komunikace a marketingu značky na základě specifických kritérií jako je reputace nebo povědomí o značce. „To, že si […]

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UNYP students win Czech round of the 2020 CFA Institute Research Challenge

The University of New York in Prague would like to congratulate the UNYP and Empire State College team on winning the Czech round of the prestigious CFA Institute Research Challenge 2020! The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students with an opportunity to gain real-world experience in financial analysis […]

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UNYP hosts the 4th International High School MUN Conference

The Model United Nations is one of the University of New York in Prague’s longest-standing student societies. MUNYP emerged from the initiative of students interested in International Relations and current global political issues. The International High School Model UN conferences organized by MUNYP motivate high school students to overcome their fear of public speaking, practice their […]

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PULSE lecture with the third Governor of the Czech National Bank Ing. Miroslav Singer, Ph.D. Highlights

Last month we were grateful and privileged to welcome Ing. Miroslav Singer, Ph.D., the third Governor of the Czech National Bank, to the University of New York in Prague. Dr. Singer presented a lecture on “The Czech Economy in a Central European and International Context” to an audience of UNYP students and guests.  Miroslav Singer […]

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Winter floorball matches at UNYP Arena

The University of New York in Prague promotes and supports a healthy and active lifestyle. We strongly believe that our partnership with Sparta Praha floorball teams serves as a great source of inspiration for UNYP’s student body. The Sparta athletic association is Prague’s iconic brand, and we are proud that this year, we took our partnership to […]

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PULSE lecture with Mr. Igor Blažević Highlights

On December 10th, UNYP students and professors had an opportunity to meet the European Human Rights Campaigner and Program Director of Prague Civil Society Centre, Mr. Igor Blažević. He kindly agreed to deliver a lecture entitled “Communication for Social Change.” In which he discussed the pillars of a healthy democratic society, expressed his concern about ongoing assault on democratic norms and […]

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