Human rights and the role of the media

“Without Television, the Civil Rights Movement Would Have Been a Bird without Wings” On Friday April 5th, 2019, Dr. Kathleen Wickham was invited by Empire State College to give a special lecture at the University of New York in Prague on the theme of human rights and the role of the media in historical context. Dr. Wickham, […]

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Judge del Carmen gave a speech about fight against terrorism

The honorable Sara Jane del Carmen, presiding judge of the merged municipal courts of Colleyvile and Keller, made a presentation on the 25th of March on the role of the US courts of justice in the fight against terrorism. In front of an interested audience judge del Carmen referred to the difficult balance between maintaining the […]

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Nine new speakers deliver ideas and innovation at TEDxUNYP 2019

Prague’s TEDx enthusiasts and TEDxUNYP supporters had to wait a little longer for this year’s event, but it was worth the wait! Previously held in November of each year, the university TEDx event has now moved to its new mid-March slot for 2019 and all future events. TEDxUNYP 2019 did not disappoint, with nine new speakers – including chemists, […]

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University of New York in Prague voted into Superbrands 2019, fourth win in a row!

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP), has won the Czech Superbrands award for the fourth year in a row. “Four years in a row says a lot about UNYP and the Czech market for private higher education, we are honored that the Business Brand Council continually recognizes our brand as one of the […]

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Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece presents Europe’s future at UNYP

This month we were thankful and privileged to have had Professor John (Iannis) Mourmouras, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, present his lecture entitled “Recent developments in the European Union: a look to the East” to our graduate and undergraduate students. We are delighted to offer you a summary of this lecture.  Professor Mourmouras opened his lecture with a […]

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UNYP program Komunikace a média obdržel 10-ti letou akreditaci!

Jsme hrdí na to, že Ministerstvo školství ČR udělilo desetiletou akreditaci (zákonem povolený maximální počet let) UNYP programu Komunikace a média. Tato úspěšná akreditace je výsledkem našeho odhodlání poskytovat vysoce kvalitní vzdělávání a vytvářet nejlepší příležitosti pro naše studenty a absolventy. UNYP program Komunikace a média je navržen tak, aby pomohl našim studentům rozvíjet efektivní komunikační techniky, které mohou být […]

Read more > Jak si vybrat správnou univerzitu?

V určitém okamžiku ve vysokoškolských letech se všichni mladí lidé potýkají s jednou velkou otázkou: mám jít na univerzitu? Jeden důvod, proč zůstat ve škole další čtyři roky, je využití příležitosti k vybudování základů úspěšné kariéry. Vysokoškolští studenti mají jedinečnou šanci rozšířit své světové názory studiem v mezinárodním prostředí a zaměřit se na předmět jejich […]

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UNYP přijel na brněnský veletrh Gaudeamus metrem

Chtěli jste někdy navštívit New York, ale fyzicky zůstat v České republice? University of New York in Prague (UNYP) přivezla do Brna vagón newyorského metra, červené schody z Time Square a tým učitelů, absolventů a studentů, kteří návštěvníkům představili, proč může být vzdělávání na soukromé škole kvalitnější než na škole státní. Podle průzkumu portálu, provedeného pro […]

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10 Prague Instagrammers Worth Following

What does your Instagram feed consist of these days? Fellow UNYP students, friends from back home? Your favorite brands and world-famous influencers?  Many people think that this platform can’t offer anything better than billions, if not trillions, of kittens, other people’s meals, and hidden (or not-so-hidden) ads. Although Instagram has all of the above, if you […]

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8 Tips to Improve Your Academic and Work Focus

Have you ever found yourself faced with an important task but been unable to focus on it long enough or well enough to get it done effectively? Does this happen to you too often for comfort?  Certainly, the occasional inability to concentrate is nothing unusual, but it can be particularly annoying (or even worrisome) if […]

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