Relaxing Is An Art Form

It is an oft-ignored fact that relaxation, especially in times of stress, is vitally important to your well-being and success. Ideally, you have already learnt to balance your schedule so that you are able to study, partake in an extracurricular activity of your choice and have time to relax. Relaxation in the Czech Republic is taken very […]

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Song of Humanity

Wherever we are, we feel that we stand at the end of something and like to dream of the beginning. Here is one such a dream. In prehistoric times, before people started living in tribes, they stayed in bands. While tribes were bound by kinship and territory, and thus relatively static, bands were in constant […]

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Learning Independence

Much has been written and said on the subject of independence, but it is never as relevant as when it directly affects you.  Starting a university degree is considered, in many cultures, and especially the Western world, to be the first stepping-stone towards the ultimate goal of being independent. You have chosen a path that […]

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Snap a photo and win 25,000 CZK for your prom

Before a gauntlet of final exams in May, high school students face a kind of social exam—their prom. In front of parents, teachers and classmates, students strive to put their best foot forward in one of their first steps toward adulthood, while also getting to enjoy a great party.  University of New York in Prague wants […]

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UNYP goes on tour!

Over the next few months representatives from UNYP will be hitting the road to attend University fairs across Central and Eastern Europe. Prospective students and their families are invited to meet with our team and hear more about our University’s programs. Attendees at the Brno, Bratislava and Prague fairs will also have a chance to win a […]

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The Challenge and Imperative of Lifelong Learning

Recently, I moved apartments. To be honest, it was a rather stressful process, but there was some reassurance and relief in methodically packing things into boxes and then unpacking them in the new apartment. Life is a bit like that: we find reassurance in putting things into little boxes and moving on – it seems […]

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When the first impression is also the last impression

Again, something to think about when we meet new people. What are our aims? What do we want to get from the meeting? And most important: What first impression do we want to leave? How long does it take for people to make a first impression? Some people think that they have weeks or even years […]

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Your cultural education: UNESCO sites of the Czech Republic

No matter if you’re studying psychology, international relations or business, your college experience will be inextricably linked to your location. Being a student in Prague is an incredible experience – not everyone can say that their university is located in a building that was built in the early 20th century (or even earlier)! However, in the […]

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Meet your Student Council and check out their new website!

Student council is here to bring more fun to your student life. With plenty of events, trips and other special activities they will try to make your studies easier and you will get a chance to discover new things. Our student council connects students with university administration and academics to provide a great study-life balance for our […]

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Must-have apps for Prague

Apps have become as much a part of our lives as reading the newspaper (you probably have an app for your favourite one) or making a cup of coffee in the morning for a busy day of lectures. Heralding a new era of connectivity, there are now apps for absolutely everything- reading, eating, exercising, even […]

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Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

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