Dr. Marek Preiss, klinický psycholog a profesor z University of New York in Prague byl hostem CT

Kolik druhů lidské inteligence existuje? A mohou být nějak změřeny?  PhDr. Marek Preiss, Ph.D., lektor z University of New York in Prague, se těmito otázkami zabýval v rámci pořadu České Televize, Nejchytřejší Čech. 17.4.2014 – Dr. Marek Preiss, Clinical Psychologist and Professor from UNYP: About intelligence – Types of Intelligence from University of New York in Prague on Vimeo.

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Workshop “YES, YOU SHOULD” at UNYP

On Tuesday, April 15, Mr Lukas Sedlacek, director of the European Leadership & Academic Institute, the organizer of the seminar and Mr Milan Bruncvik, gradute of the Cambridge University and a business analyst at KPMG Czech Republic, delivered a talk about the reasons why students should not be afraid of applying to prestigious Universities such […]

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Studies at Cambridge and work in the City of London? Yes, it is possible and UNYP graduate is proof of that

Author: Petr Rieger Petr Rieger ,,My main and very straightforward advice is to never stop studying and working hard.“  1) Peter, you are a graduate of bachelor program in Business Administration. What did studying at UNYP give you? Besides the development of my business English and other communication and presentation skills, I learned many soft skills […]

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UNYP Entrepreneurship Lecture Series

Albert Ballardini, currently an in-house lawyer for an UK based asset management firm, provided a seminar on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 for an audience of entrepreneurs at Wayra about the legal aspects of starting a business.   This presentation included Albert’s own experiences in his startup efforts, and was complete with some documents for participants to […]

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Author: Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CFA Position: Graduate Business Programs Manager In the movie Facing the Giants, a football coach challenges a leader on his team to do the „death crawl,“ where the young man crawls on his hands and knees along a football field, without touching his knees to the ground, while another player rides on […]

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Attacking Self-Attacking and Self-Criticism in Therapy: Developing a Compassionate Mind

Author: Dr. Hilary Cahalane Position: Clinical Psychologist, Teacher of Counselling Theories at UNYP We all experience self-critical thoughts sometimes, but for most of us these thoughts are situation-specific and relatively fleeting, and result in little enduring damage.  However, for some people, often those who have received harsh, critical, rejecting or abusive care from caregivers growing up, […]

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UNYP Career Day se konal 10. dubna

Roční Career Day, který pořádá naše karierní centrum se konal na UNYP ve čtvrtek 10.4.2014 od 10 do 3 hodin odpoledne. Career Days poskytují našim studentům a čerstvým absolventům velkou příležitost prozkoumat současné možnosti kariéry a mluvit s představiteli firem a podniků, které působí na českém trhu práce. Některé ze zúčastněných společností pravidelně najímají naše […]

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MBA Alumni & Student Mixer 2014 took place at Black Angel´s Bar

On Thursday, April 4, 2014, the University of New York in Prague welcomed back it’s alumni from the past several years to meet with instructors, current students, and UNYP staff for a reunion mixer at Black Angel´s Bar in Prague.   The group of 100 people in attendance represented our diverse group of managers and […]

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Career Seminar with Michael Mayher organized by the Career Office at UNYP on March 28, 2014

A half-day career seminar addressing the challenges of the current job market took place at UNYP on Friday, March 28th 2014. This seminar is for students who are launching their careers applying for their first job, but it goes further, focusing on methods and techniques that will help professionals throughout their careers. With the job market […]

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Pozvánka na karierní seminář s Michaelem Mayherem

Místo konání: UNYP, učebna 21  Datum: pátku 28.března  Čas: 12 – 18 hodin Upozorňujeme, že naše karierní centrum organizuje karierní seminář s Michaelem Mayherem, který se zaměří na výzvy současného trhu práce – a více. Michael Mayher má více než 20 let náborových zkušeností s umístěním lidí na dvou kontinentech a zastupuje tak obě strany přijímacího […]

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