UNYP/CVUT Entrepreneurship Lecture Series: Mr. Fred Williams’ seminar on Project Sabotage

On Friday, October 25, 2013, Fred Williams, owner of Williams Technical, provided the October installment of the UNYP/CVUT entrepreneurship lecture series.  Fred’s talk centered on the intentional or unintentional acts that cause great damage, usually at very low cost, and very low risk.  Sabotage has varied etymological theories, from the Dutch shoes being thrown into […]

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Empire State College Graduate Dean, Tai Arnold, Saratoga New York visits UNYP

University of New York in Prague recently hosted a visit from the Graduate Dean of  Empire State College to discuss the various program offerings available to UNYP students and consider possible collaborations between UNYP and ESC on a graduate level. Dr. Tai Arnold met with UNYP’s General Manager, Sotiris Foutsis, Rector, Andreas Antonopoulos, Department Chairs and […]

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SUNY/ESC International Program Director Mr. Gavin Lowder visited UNYP

Empire State College and The University of New York in Prague hosted a visit in October from the Director of International Programs, Empire State College, Gavin Lowder.   Director Lowder spent time meeting with faculty, students, administration and touring the new university facility.  He commented on the mission of ESC making education accessible to those beyond […]

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UNYP má novou budovu

Jak již bylo oznámeno v průběhu léta UNYP získala nové vybavení. Nová budova se nachází v jedné z nejprestižnějších pražských ulic, Londýnské ulici. Nové vybavení bylo dodáno několik týdnů před začátkem nového akademického roku a je již v provozu. Studenti a profesoři byli ohromeni kvalitou nového zařízení a těší se na další plánované změny univerzity. […]

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Série UNYP PULSE lekcí představila Dr. Max Hilaire a jeho téma: Konflikt v Syrii a zahraniční politika USA

Druhá PULSE lekce podzimního semestru 2013 se konala 8. října.  Profesor Max Hilaire, uznávaný expert na zahraniční politiku USA a mezinárodní právo, mluvil před plným sálem o dilematech spojených s krizí v Sýrii a složitým geopolitickým rozvojem této oblasti, které má Obamova administrativa. Po prezentaci profesora Hilaire následovala velmi živá debata, které se účastnili studenti […]

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Free seminar on Digital Strategy

The University of New York in Prague is proud to announce a cooperative partnership with ČVUT, the most prestigious Czech technical university, in providing a monthly lecture series centered around entrepreneurship to its collective pool of students, faculty, and alumni.  This effort has evolved from seminars offered at UNYP in May and August, and the […]

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UNYP slaví 15 let prvotřídního vzdělávání

Praha, 27. června 2013 – University of New York in Prague (UNYP) je hrda na svou historii a na svou úspěšnou snahu stát se přední vysokou školou amerického stylu poskytující vzdělávání v anglickém jazyce.  UNYP byl založen v dubnu 1998 ve spolupráci se State University of New York, New Paltz a State University of New York, […]

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Noble Work vs. Nobel Work

Author: M.A. Kevin Capuder Position: Chair of Business Administration Department Bankers like to tell us that global megabanks are beneficial for the modern economy. By addressing all aspects of multinational corporate financial demand, these institutions provide a required service and needed liquidity to global markets. Financial markets need liquidity to be sure. Liquidity can be simply defined […]

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Is this Internship Right for You?

Author: David Starr-Glass MBA, M.Sc., M.Ed. Position: Mentor, International Programs (Prague), State University of New York – Empire State College On the morning of August 15, 2013, Moritz Erhardt, a 21-year old German student, was found dead in his apartment in London. Moritz had been an intern at the London-based investment banking division of Bank of […]

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Learning to Look / Learning to Ask

Author: Douglas H. Pressman, MBA, Ph.D. Position: Sociology Instructor at UNYP Nearly every time I see Chinese tourists in a Chinese restaurant in Europe or North America, they are eating dishes that are not on the menu. How does that happen? Obviously, they have asked the waiter for what they want. And the cook obliged them. Is […]

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